Joseph Kohring

Joseph Kohring

Joseph was born in America and moved to Sydney, Australia for bible college in 2006 for what he thought would be only one year. In 2010 he moved to Brisbane and started a Bachelor of Ministry with Alphacrucis. He is nearing completion of a Master of Theology, specializing in literary and rhetorical analysis of 1 Samuel 15 with particular interest in herem. Joseph is married to Meyling and together they have three children- Hunter, Lily and Ella. In his spare time, Joseph enjoys pushing his physical limits through ultra marathons and trail running.


MTh (Alphacrucis)
Dissertation Title Listen to the Voice: A literary study of the function of חרם in 1 Samuel 15 2021

BMin (Alphacrucis) 2016

Adv Dip of Ministry (Hillsong College) 2008

Current Research

1 Samuel 15: literary and rhetorical study, specifically the use of herem


  • 2019
    • Listen to the Voice: A literary study of 1 Samuel 15 including an investigation of the significance of herem (2019), AC Colloquia 2019, Parramatta, AUS, 04 Jun 2019

Professional Memberships

Society of Biblical Literature (since 2019)

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