Strategic Thinking and Planning
A few years ago Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek church, confronted his church team with the question: “Are we making a difference?” Hybels leads a mega-church, has written multiple best-selling books and is a sought after speaker…yet he asks himself and his team this question: “Are we making a difference?” Hybels is a strategic thinker. Strategic thinkers constantly remind themselves and their team of the purpose of their organisation and ask in the light of this purpose: Where are we now (are we making a difference), where do we want to be and how are we going to get there? In ‘Strategic Thinking and Planning’ we unpack these questions and look at what the Bible as well as contemporary management texts offer to help us in our quest to turn our visions into reality and make a difference.
Quick Info
- Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
- Course code: LEA302
- Credit points: 10
The following courses are prerequisites:
- At least 120 credit points including MAN101—Introduction to Management and LEA201—Leadership Principles
Awards offering Strategic Thinking and Planning
This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Applied Social Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Ministry
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Theology
- Bachelor of Ministry
Unit Content
Curriculum Objective
This unit aims to introduce students to strategic thinking for organisational planning. While this is an extensive area, it is important for students to grasp the need for clarity of thinking, the holding of clear objectives, and the value of proactivity rather than reactivity, flexibility, coordination, commitment and operation from a secure base.
Students should be able to:
- Ability to critically assess individual and organisational purpose and mission in the light of a Christian worldview. This includes consideration of other Christian perspectives and understandings;
- Evaluate the implications of individual and organisational purpose. This includes factors such as social, environmental and community impact.
- Analyse an organisation’s expressed and tacit visions and goals;
- display an ability to generate creative and effective plans related to those visions and goals;
- Explain strategic thinking for organisations. This includes key approaches to strategy;
- Demonstrate ability for clear thinking, problem solving, flexibility and commitment to task.
Subject Content
- Christian worldview and its implications for individual and organisational purpose
- Christianity meets reason: philosophy and thinking processes.
- The purpose of Vision and vision casting
- Effective teams
- Vision Planning: Understanding the dynamic environment
- Vision Planning: Developing a strategic plan Flexibility: maintain or create?
- Models of problem solving and strategies for success
- Resourcing and organisational security
This course may be offered in the following formats
Lectures, guided discussion/reflections, tutorials, Web-based simulations, games.
Assessment Methods
- Forum Postings 20% (2500 words);
- Strategic Project 40% (2000)
- Major Essay 40% (2000 words)
Prescribed Text
- Primary readings provided