Dr Caroline Batchelder

Dr Caroline Batchelder

Lecturer in Old Testament, Program Director for Master of Theology

Caroline was born in Scotland, and grew up in Malaysia and Australia, as well as time spent in England and the Philippines. After finishing school in Canberra, she undertook a BMus at the NSW State Conservatorium. After years primarily involved with family and church, and four years living in Shropshire, England, Caroline enrolled in an MDiv at Morling Theological College, and went on to complete her ThD in Biblical Studies at the end of 2015. This was a literary-theological investigation of the figure of the Servant in the ‘Servant Songs’ of Isaiah 40‒55, with particular interests in ‘justice’ (Hebrew mishpat) and the image of God. Caroline is married to Bob, a geotechnical engineer, and they have 6 children: five daughters and a son. She is part of the housechurch movement, Ruach Church. Her interests include hiking, biking, poetry, reading and growing vegetables.


ThD (Australian College of Theology)
Dissertation Title Charging the Earth: Yahweh and the Servant in Isaiah 40-55 2016

Master of Divinity (Australian College of Theology) 2009

Bachelor of Music (NSW State Conservatorium) 1984

Current Research

An enquiry into the relation of humanity to God and to the earth.

Psalm 8, intertextuality and theological anthropology

Research Interests

literary-theological interpretation of scripture, Hebrew poetry,  poetics, rhetoric, image of God, Genesis, Isaiah, intertextuality, theological anthropology, Psalms


  • 2023
    • Caroline Batchelder (2023). Charged with the Glory of God: Yahweh, the Servant, and the Earth in Isaiah 40–55. Lexham Press, Bellingham.

Book Chapters

  • 2018
    • Batchelder, Caroline (2018). Ordering with Intent: Restoring Divine Order in Isaiah and Genesis In Christopher C. Green, David I. Starling, Revelation and Reason in Christian Theology (pp. 90-112). Lexham Press, Bellingham, 2018.
  • 2016
    • Batchelder, C (2016). The Servant and Zion in Isaiah In Murphy, R., Starling, D., The Gender Conversation: Evangelical Perspectives on Gender, Scripture, and the Christian Life (pp. 217-229). Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR.

Journal Articles

  • 2013
    • Batchelder, Caroline (2013). Undoing 'this people', becoming 'my servant': Purpose and Commission in Isaiah 6. Southeastern Theological Review, 4/2 (Winter 2013) 155-178.


Academic Conference

  • 2019
    • Human seeing, the Genre of Praise, and the Restoration of Yahweh’s order: A theological anthropology of Psalm 8 within the Tehillim. (2019), Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 26 Nov 2019
    • Yahweh Knows the (saving) way: Taking Yahweh’s way through Tôrâ in the Psalter, beginning with Psalm 1 (2019), Tyndale Fellowship Biblical Theology Study group, Cambridge, England, 26 Jun 2019
  • 2018
    • Human Agency and the Beginning and End of the Pentateuch: From ’ādām charged to Moses and the continuing charge (2018), Theology Connect conference, Sydney, Australia, 13 Jul 2018
  • 2017
    • Reordering Disordered Prosperity: How the Servant Prospers in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (2017), Society of Pentecostal Studies, St Louis, Missouri, USA, 10 Mar 2017

Professional Memberships

Fellowship of Biblical Studies (since 2018)

Society of Biblical Literature (since 2017)

Society of Pentecostal Studies (since 2016)

Tyndale Fellowship (since 2019)

Tyndale Fellowship (since 2019)

Current Supervision

  • Current
    • Lim, A.L.S., The Significance of the Ruah in Ezekiel (Doctoral Thesis)

Completed Supervision

  • 2019
    • Helmore, E., Reorienting Worship: Isaiah 58 and the ‘way’ of mishpat (Masters Project/Thesis)
    • Steffens, C., A Woman of Wisdom? A narrative-critical examination of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25 (Masters Project/Thesis)

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