Student Stories

Where Can Alphacrucis University College Take You?

“There are plenty of ways to make a difference in business. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people understood that having a successful business and finding solutions to real-world problems, especially environmental and social ones, aren’t mutually exclusive?”

Adrian Chen
AC Graduate, Entrepreneur and
Co-Founder of Huskee Coffee Cup

“I went straight into a Diploma of Music Industry after year 10. I then did a Bachelor of Ministry (Worship) and ended up with a Masters of Teaching (Primary).  I was able to save a few years of study and go into a job I love at 21. To me, being a Christian teacher means being able to speak hope and life to the kids in school, and to be on their level in whatever circumstance they are in.”

Shaniah Miller
Diploma of Music, Bachelor of Ministry
& Masters of Teaching Graduate
Primary school teacher, Wycliffe Christian Schools, Blue Mountains

“By combining Theology and Business, it has really opened up more opportunities for me, whether it's going into the corporate world or working within a church context. My faith has grown through study - getting into the historical texts has meant that I see the Bible and God, in a whole new way. On top of that, I'm going to graduate with a business degree that will open up more options – I am very excited about my future.”

Sam Moore
Bachelor of Theology
& Bachelor of Business student

Orginally from the UK, studying at AC Sydney

Meet Abigail

Abigail tells us about her journey from Canada to Australia, and how studying a Bachelor of Theology at Alphacrucis College has not just helped her better understand God but also transformed the way she lives.

Ministry & Theology Student Stories

Ruth to move to Thailand three years ago. She felt called to the Thai-Myanmar border to work with displaced people affected by the long-running civil war. Through AC's student-led missions initiative, Sounds of Silence, Ruth developed an interest in anti-trafficking movements. Ruth now transforms communities where people are at risk of human trafficking. She builds partnerships with organisations in the area, teaches English and vocational skills, and assists with natural farming sustainability projects.

Ruth Lesmana
Bachelor of Ministry Graduate

Director of Training for Global Alms Incorporated

"Studying at AC has provided me with the perfect blend of experience and theory, exposed me to different perspectives and helped me to broaden my worldview. There is a sense of intimacy on campus, and online, everyone knows each other and you get to do this journey together."

Thomas Boban
Bachelor of Ministry Student

Meet Tahlia

Tahlia O'Brien, Diploma of Leadership students talks about how her Christian Worldview class has helped her to understand her identity in the world.

Leadership Student Stories

"The Master of Leadership is like you’ve found where you hang your hat and coat – things start to make sense. The leadership program has helped me to re-think how I mentor and train people to fulfill their God given destinies."

Iliafi Esera
Master of Leadership Graduate
General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in New Zealand

“The program really equipped me to help Chaplaincy Australia in its early years, and empowered me to develop things (key to its success) like its values and organisational structure”

Anne Iuliano
Graduate Certificate in Leadership Graduate
Founder, Chaplaincy Australia

Citizen of the Year, Willoughby City Council, 2019

Meet Laura

Laura works in Chaplaincy in schools in Sydney's west and is passionate about seeing young people develop their potential.

Chaplaincy & Social Science Student Stories

"Right now I'm doing what I love, which is helping and supporting people practically and emotionally. And thanks to my training in ministry, I am now leading a team of chaplains who are making a big difference in young people’s lives across 5 primary and high schools. The practical training I received at Alphacrucis was vital to the impact that has been made to the lives of many young individuals."⠀

Elijah Burrell
Diploma of Ministry (Chaplaincy) Graduate

“I was studying the same degree at another university when the lecturer said that our worldview affects everything we do, especially in this job.  At that moment, I realised I needed to find a new place to learn that aligns with my worldview. After asking around, I found Alphacrucis and I have never looked back.”

Abigail Comafay

Bachelor of Applied Social Science Student

Meet Carolin

Carolin Smolek, Graduate in Master of Teaching (Primary), works at a Primary School in Germany. She shares with us how her time at AC shapes how she teaches.

Education Student Stories

“It is refreshing and encouraging to be able to learn to teach through the Teaching School Alliance, and to be able to have hands-on experience under a mentor teacher in my first year of study. I was so fortunate to have great teachers around me in my schooling and to be helped to develop academically and beyond. I want to be able to help other students grow academically and personally, as a way to thank my own teachers and to honour them, but also to work in a way that serves others, and contributes to God’s bigger picture.”

Joshua Hales

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Student

"I’m doing my placement with William Clarke College in Kellyville and it’s just been an awesome experience. Just being put into a school that shares your values and allows you to share those with the students is such a great freedom. Knowing that you’re supported by your mentor teacher is also really helpful."

Michael Ratumu
Bachelor of Education (Primary) Student

Our Music Students

Check out the highlights from our Diploma of Music Industry student's 2019 Concert in the Courtyard, featuring My Girl and Uptown Funk.

Music Student Stories

"I chose to study music at AC because I wanted my passion to be aligned with my faith. Studying at AC has given me hands on, practical experience. The lecturers have a very wide understanding of the music industry and they gave constant feedback and encouragement to improve. I also had opportunities to go on ministry trips to practice my skills in real life settings."

Kha Nguyen

Music and Ministry Graduate

“The diploma of music industry is an amazing course and definitely challenged me and grew my musical ability. From furthering my skills in my instrument through weekly chapels and class performances, growing in my aural skills, and gaining a better understanding of the music industry, this course will certainly push you to excel as a musician. Part of the reason I chose to do this course was because it was the music industry but delivered in a Christian context. The lecturers themselves are such great people that have so much knowledge and skill. Classes provide opportunities to ask questions and lecturers deliver the content in such a clear and effective way! It gives you such a good understanding of the music industry. I highly recommend this course!”

Melissa Lieschke

Diploma of Music Industry Student

Meet Ethan

Can Theology and Business work together? Alphacrucis College Student, Ethan, tells us how his business has changed because of his double degree in Business and Theology

Business Student Stories

"I’m working at two small businesses now, and my time in the Diploma of Business has helped shape me into someone who can add value above and beyond my job description. I’ve been able to utilise some of the basic accounting skills taught to tap into some fun and challenging areas in both organisations. The teaching from AC on integrity in business and the importance of personal character have seen me find favour with both bosses and my co-workers."

Sam Tomko

Diploma of Business Graduate

"After I graduated I started working as a supervisor as well as having my own small business. AC played a major role in helping me develop my leadership skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills and emotional intelligence to thrive in business."

Amrinder Singh
Bachelor of Business Graduate