VET Third Party Arrangement Policy

Fact box

  • Policy owner: Director of VET
  • Policy category: Academic: Third Party Agreements
  • Policy status: Approved
  • Approval body: Executive
  • Endorsement body: Executive
  • Related policies:
  • Last amended: 20th Dec. 2022
  • Relevant HESF:


The purpose of this policy is to outline the processes regarding selection, approval and monitoring of VET Third Party Arrangements.


All VET Third Party Arrangements


This policy outlines the selection and management of VET Third Party Arrangements at Alphacrucis University College (AC). Third Parties may be the first point of contact between AC and prospective students and therefore AC puts a great emphasis on ethical, legal and honest conduct of its Third Party providers.

AC Third Parties are monitored and regularly reviewed to ensure continued compliance with AC's obligations under the:

               • ESOS ACT 2000 and subsequent amendments

               • ESOS Regulations

               • The National Code

               • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015

AC will only enter into service arrangements with Third Parties when their service activities have been agreed to and a Contract of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding is ratified and signed by the CEO or delegated authorised signatory.

AC expects educational agents operating as Third Parties to provide honest, accurate and up to date information about the courses on offer to all prospective students.

The contract of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding shall specify:

               • The obligations and expectations of AC and the Third Party

               • Processes and timeframes for review of the activities of the Third Party

               • Termination conditions (immediate where failures to meet National Code 2007 or Migration Act 1958 requirements are encountered)

               • Requirements for the Third Party to cooperate with ASQA and to provide accurate responses to requests about provision of services

AC will make a decision on renewal of Third Party contract based on the performance as deduced from the review of the activities of the Third Party.

Responsible for implementation

Director of VET

Key stakeholders

All VET students and staff


VET Third Party Arrangement Procedure

On establishment of a Contract of Agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding AC ensures that Third Parties are provided with current and up to date information that relates to AC's training and assessment services on offer to students.

Communication with Third Parties

Persons responsible for liaison between AC and the Third Party shall ensure that there is regular communication.


The Director of VET shall ensure regular review of any Third Party activities. On the basis of this review a decision will be made as to whether to continue or extend the Third Party’s Contract of Agreement with AC, take corrective action prior to continuing or extending the Contract of Agreement, or terminate the agreement.

VET Third Party Arrangement Procedure

1. The organisation will make a request to AC to be a partner college, including the courses proposed for delivery.

2. AC will send an acknowledgement receipt to the organisation within 3 working days, informing the organisation of the approval process.

3. AC Executive will review the application for initial provisional approval.

4. Once provisional approval by the Executive Team has been given, AC will send a notice to all existing partner colleges of AC advising of the organisation’s intention two weeks before the next Executive Team meeting.

5. Existing partners with any concerns or objections have five working days to notify AC of any concerns. No reply from an existing partner indicates no concerns or objections.

6. If no concerns are raised by existing partners, notices of organisations intending to partner will be presented at the next Executive Team meeting as a proposal to partner.

7. When an existing partner raises a concern or objection about the organisation’s intentions, AC will:

               1. Notify the involved parties of the concerns raised, and provide opportunity for a response to the objections or concerns.

               2. Seek to resolve any concerns between parties.

               3. Present the feedback at the next Executive Team meeting for a vote.

8. The final decision for approval or rejection will be made by the Executive Team.

9. AC will notify the organisation of the Executive Team’s decision within five working days of the decision.