Delivery Site Classification, Selection and Approval Policy

Fact box


The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures to regulate Alphacrucis University College (AC) delivery site classification, selection and approval.


All delivery sites of AC


AC onshore and offshore delivery sites are for the provision of academic programs, infrastructure, facilities and services.The selection and approval of all delivery sites must therefore ensure that appropriate facilities exist for these provisions, and that the relevant requirements of the HE Threshold Standards and/or VET Quality Framework can be met at each site.


1. On-site campus

An on-site campus is the physical delivery site where a course of study is conducted face-to-face, supplemented by web-based technology. They are in strategic and accessible locations to meet the needs and requirements of key stakeholders.

2. Offshore on-site campus

An offshore on-site campus is a physical delivery site outside of Australia where a course of study is conducted face-to-face, supplemented by web-based technology.  An offshore on-site campus is still operated by AC.

AC may establish cooperation with one or more international partners for the purposes of offshore delivery of AC courses. The establishment of such cooperation will be regulated by the AC Higher Education Third Party Arrangement Selection and Approval Policy.

3. Learning centre

A learning centre provides access, equity and participation for online students, offering an informal learning space for study and tutorial sessions, as well as access to IT infrastructure, learning resources and occasional access to face-to-face delivery and subject content which can be approved by the Learning Centre Coordinator. Learning centres provide support and supplement the facilities, resources and services already available to online students.

4. Off-campus delivery site

AC may from time to time deliver selected subjects from a course of study at an off-campus location, to enable online students to benefit from face-to-face delivery of a subject by AC faculty. The Executive will be required to approve each off-campus delivery and will ensure appropriate, safe, well-maintained, secure facilities.


AC will ensure the following facilities for each on-site campus or learning centre:

1. Physical Facilities

  • appropriate, safe, well-maintained and secure facilities. Where AC does not own the premises from which the on-site campus or learning centre operates, AC will secure rented facilities through an MOU or rental agreement;
  • classrooms and other teaching and learning spaces where face-to-face classes are conducted;
  • work space for staff and research students;
  • student meeting and recreation areas;
  • access to computers, a printer/scanner, wireless internet, video conference facilities, multimedia equipment, phones, as well as other learning resources;
  • kitchen, bathroom facilities and meeting rooms.

2. Resources

  • staffed library collection for on-site campuses;
  • access to electronic learning resources;
  • IT infrastructure, including web-based learning management system.

3. Student Services

  • an appointed State Director or Learning Centre Coordinator to oversee delivery of courses or subjects at the delivery site;
  • on-site or online chapel services
  • on-site campus orientation at the beginning of each semester, in addition to the online induction provided to all students;
  • access to advanced personal and administrative support;
  • access to counselling and welfare services, as well as a referral service;
  • academic support.

4. Marketing

  • marketing of all courses of study is overseen by the AC marketing department;
  • in general, each on-site campus will have an appointed staff member responsible for local marketing initiatives.

5. Management

  • AC coordinates a quarterly campus management committee for each on-site campus. The committee includes the State Director, other AC staff, as required and, if facilities operate out of an MOU, a host partner representative, as required. The committee will primarily be concerned with adequate provision of facilities, services, and promotion of the campus.
  • The Learning Centre Coordinator will maintain close connection and open communication with relevant AC staff for the purposes of support and accountability

6. Quality

  • The Academic Board is responsible for ensuring that all academic and student support is provided at an acceptable, equitable and comparable level across all AC delivery sites. The quality of the delivery site will be monitored by regular and cyclical reviews, as well as through analysis of student performance in the Internal Monitoring of Grades conducted at the conclusion of each semester.

Responsible for implementation

Vice President Academic

Key stakeholders

All staff and students of AC

Related documents



Delivery Site Classification, Selection, Approval

To select and approve a new delivery site, the following procedure is required:

1. Proposal to Executive

A proposal must be tabled to Executive, including:

  • classification of the proposed delivery site;
  • proposed location, including a draft MOU of any potential partnership arrangements;
  • budget to indicate financial viability of the proposed delivery site;
  • Business Plan.

An offshore delivery site proposal must also include:

  • demonstration of meeting legislation and industry compliance in the host country;
  • evidence of a favourable regulatory environment in the host country;
  • benchmarks with other providers offering offshore delivery in that location;
  • an extended business plan, including:

a) Rationale and objectives

b) Market analysis

c) Marketing plan

d) Risk assessment, potential impact and proposed management

e) Resources required

f) Financial viability

g) Course fees and other income

h) Financial arrangements and disbursements

i) Exit strategy for each program

j) Approvals: commercial and accreditation

2. Proposal to Accreditation Committee

If approved by the Executive, the proposal is tabled at Accreditation Committee.

3. Site Visit

If approved by Accreditation Committee, a site visit is conducted to ensure that the facilities, resources and educational environment is suitable. The site visit report is tabled at Executive and Accreditation Committee. If Executive and Accreditation Committee are satisfied, a recommendation is tabled at Academic Board through the Accreditation Committee.

4. Approval

If Academic Board is satisfied, it is recommended to Council for approval.

5. Official Notification

A 'Material Change Notification' is submitted to TEQSA or ASQA if required. If the 'Material Change Notification' is for an onshore on-site campus, CRICOS approval must be received before acceptance of any overseas student. Once notification has been received and noted by TEQSA or ASQA, promotion of the new delivery site and activities can commence.

6. Notification to any other required bodies

This includes any information required for overseas students.

No delivery of courses will commence until approval is received from TEQSA, ASQA and/or other required bodies. AC will notify TEQSA or ASQA immediately in the event of discontinuation of a delivery site.

Modification to Delivery Site Procedure

If changes are required to an existing delivery site (for example, delivery of additional AC courses of study at an existing delivery site), the following procedure is required:

  1. Presentation of proposal to the Executive. If approved by the Executive, a proposal is then made to the Academic Board through the Accreditation Committee.
  2. Presentation of proposal to the Academic Board through the Accreditation Committee. If approved, the Accreditation Committee proceeds with implementation of the proposal.
  3. Notification to TEQSA or ASQA through submission of a 'Material Change Notification' (if required).

CRICOS application for an existing delivery site can be submitted to TEQSA or ASQA by the Registrar or Director of VET in consultation with the Vice President Academic.