11089NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry

Churches today are incredibly diverse, complex, and unique to their calling. It is therefore essential that ministers can skillfully handle scripture, manage administration and empower those they are called to lead.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to develop ministers. This course sets out the essential skills to minister, in particular within a Christian context. These include: 

  • Biblical knowledge and interpretation 
  • Theological knowledge and interpretation 
  • Pastoral ministry skills 

Churches today are larger and more complex in nature. It is important that ministers develop higher level skills in all they do. Ministry can take place within a variety of contexts; this includes Administration, Chaplaincy, Children’s ministry, Church planting, Community work, Creative ministry, Leadership, Cross-cultural ministry, Women’s ministry and Youth ministry. 

Upon completion of this qualification, learners will have acquired the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills to minister effectively in a variety of settings. Potential vocational outcomes for graduates of this Course will depend on the participants’ pre-existing qualifications and experience, as well as their chosen electives.

ministry tile

To achieve the qualification 11089NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry the learner must complete twelve units: 

  • seven core; and  
  • five prescribed electives.

At least one unit must be selected from Group A. 

At least one stream must be selected from Group B. 

Other elective units may be selected from the elective units listed in the 'Subjects' tab, or any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course at the same qualification level. If not listed in the 'Subjects' tab, two units may be selected from either a Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma training package qualification or accredited course. 

Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level. 

Core Units

  • CUARES503 Analyse cultural history and theory 
  • NAT11089001 Implement and evaluate a ministry activity 
  • NAT11088006 Interpret the Bible for personal and communal edification 
  • NAT11089003 Investigate and interpret the message of an Old Testament book 
  • NAT11089004 Investigate and interpret the message of a New Testament book 
  • NAT11088001  Induct disciples into the central beliefs and practices of a church 
  • AHCCCF404 Contribute to association governance 

Group A – Theology and Worldview

  • NAT11089005  Investigate and apply a Pentecostal worldview 
  • NAT11089006 Investigate and apply a Christian worldview 
  • NAT11089002 Research and critique the relevance of the doctrine of Christ 

Group B – Elective Streams

Chaplaincy (at least two of the following)

  • NAT11088003  Provide foundational care in a church setting 
  • DEFCHP001 Provide pastoral care 
  • CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs 
  • CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues 
  • CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support 
  • CHCFAM003 Support people to improve relationships 
  • NAT11089007 Provide pastoral supervision in clinical practice 
  • NAT11089008 Analyse the theology of chaplaincy practice 

Children’s (at least two of the following)

  • CHCPRT001  Identify and respond to children and young people at risk 
  • NAT11089009 Support ministry to children or young people 
  • CHCYTH011 Work effectively with young people and their families 
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people 
  • NAT11088003  Provide foundational care in a church setting 

Church Planting (at least two of the following)

  • NAT11089010  Develop strategies for church planting 
  • NAT11089011 Implement principles of church development 
  • CHCCDE013 Establish and develop community organisations or social enterprises 

Community (at least two of the following)

  • CHCDIV001  Work with diverse people 
  • CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework 
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs 
  • CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies 
  • CHCCDE001 Support participative planning processes 
  • CHCCDE013 Establish and develop community organisations or social enterprises 
  • CHCCDE005 Develop and support relevant community resources 
  • CHCCDE008 Support community action 
  • CHCCDE009 Develop and support community leadership 
  • NAT11089012 Participate in community engagement 
  • NAT11089013 Understand and develop a worldview 

Creative (at least two of the following)

  • CUAMCP312  Write song lyrics 
  • CUAMCP313 Create simple musical pieces using musical technology 
  • CUAMPF312 Prepare for musical performances 
  • CUAMPF411 Rehearse music for group performances 
  • CUAMPF517 Provide musical leadership in performance 
  • CUAMPF414 Perform music as part of a group 
  • CUAMPF515 Develop instrumental techniques and expand repertoire 
  • SIRXOSM003 Use social media and online tools 
  • BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans 
  • CUAIND512 Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge 
  • CUAPPM416 Coordinate media production services and resources 

Leadership (at least two of the following)

  • NAT11089014  Acquire leadership skills 
  • NAT11089015 Develop personal character and relationship skills 
  • NAT11089016 Identify leaders and develop leadership skills 
  • NAT11089017 Apply Christian ethical principles 
  • BSBLDR414 Lead team effectiveness 
  • BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs 
  • BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness 
  • BSBCMM411  Make presentations 
  • PSPGEN035  Provide workplace mentoring 
  • PSPGEN036 Provide workplace coaching 
  • BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team 
  • AURAKA001 Use information technology systems 

Cross-Cultural (at least two of the following)

  • CHCDIV001  Work with diverse people 
  • NAT11089018 Perform cross cultural ministry 
  • NAT11089019 Develop skills in cross cultural ministry 
  • NAT11089020 Apply transition skills into another culture 
  • NAT11089021 Research and analyse religions from around the world 
  • NAT11089022 Develop a strategy for cross cultural ministry 

Pastoral (at least two of the following)

  • NAT11088005  Create tools facilitating the learning and communication of the Bible 
  • NAT11089023 Research and critique Christian theology 
  • NAT11089024 Preach a sermon 
  • CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships 
  • CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers 
  • NAT11089025 Promote the empowerment of women using the Bible 
  • NAT11089026 Apply lessons of church history 

Youth (at least two of the following)

  • NAT11089009  Support ministry to children or young people 
  • CHCYTH002 Work effectively with young people in the youth work context 
  • CHCYTH011 Work effectively with young people and their families 
  • CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk 
  • CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers 
  • CHCYTH009 Support youth programs 
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people 

Essential entry requirements

  • 11088NAT Certificate IV in Ministry or Discipleship, or equivalent, or
  • at least two years of vocational experience in ministry. 

Recommended entry requirements

Recommended entry requirements likely to facilitate successful completion of the course by intended participants include: 

  • A sound level of ability in written and spoken English. For prospective students from an English-speaking background, successful completion of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or its equivalent (including articulation from other AQF programs), including demonstration of competency in English is recommended. 
  • For prospective students from a non-English speaking background, an IELTS Score of 6.0 (or demonstrate equivalent English proficiency) is recommended.

Delivery Mode-Specific Admission Processes

Full Course RPL

Beyond the entrance requirements, to ensure this delivery mode is right for you at this time we have prepared a Detailed Ministry Curriculum Vitae and Self-Assessment Checklist which you must complete before applying (for the CV, you only need to complete Part A before applying). The Checklist details: 

  • the skills and knowledge you will need to be able demonstrate, and 
  • the kinds of evidence you will need to be able to source to demonstrate these skills and knowledge. 

If, after completing the Part A of the CV and the entire Checklist, you believe you can source all the required evidence by the end of the course (10 weeks), then we encourage you to proceed to submit these documents here to be reviewed by the Program Director. However, if you think you will be unable to source it all at this time, then we recommend you consider speaking to one of our Future Students representatives about the formal study options we have available or revisiting this course when you are in a stronger position to satisfy the requirements. 

RPL Upgrade

Beyond the entrance requirements, prospective applicants must understand that no units for this award are delivered by coursework and therefore they should only apply if they believe they can complete the entire course via transfer of credit and RPL. To make this judgement: 

  1. Determine which units will receive automatic credit. Credit will be granted for any units listed which have the same unit code and/or title as units you have completed during previous study. 
  2. Determine which units remain to be completed via RPL. Look at the course structure and rules and determine which core and elective units must still be completed after credit has been applied for previous study. 
  3. Determine whether the relevant evidence demonstrating competency can be sourced and supplied in a timely manner. Read through the Elements and Performance Criteria for each of the units (by clicking on their link) as well the kinds of evidence acceptable: 


The primary evidence must be performance evidence drawn from your work/ministry/volunteer/study experience. (You must have at least one piece of performance evidence for each unit applied for.)  

The performance evidence could be a recording of you performing the task or part thereof or submission of the completed task itself (such as a written document or the product created by the task) or part thereof. 

If you have completed prior studies which you believe meet some of the criteria, you may include evidence of this such as transcripts of your studies etc.


Where the performance evidence submitted does not meet all the unit’s requirements, you may submit documentary evidence such as preparation notes, meeting minutes, email exchanges, prayer journals which demonstrate tacitly that you completed the tasks etc.


Where there are still gaps you may supply testimonial evidence such as references from employers with detailed descriptions of your responsibilities and demonstrated skills, a detailed CV substantiated by employers/managers, reflective essays etc.  

Your testimonial evidence will not be enough on its own (you must have supplied at least 50% of your evidence as either Performance or Documentary evidence).

If, after completing these steps, you believe you can source all the required evidence, then we encourage you to apply. The application process includes a section on applying for credit to which you can supply your transcripts from relevant previous study. If you are accepted into the course, you will then need to apply for RPL for each of the remaining units needed to complete the course. We strongly advise you seek academic advice from studentsupport@ac.edu.au or vetassist@ac.edu.au to make this determination. Individual units may be applied for at your own pace.

Additional Requirements: This program requires a government issued Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. See http://www.usi.gov.au/ for details and to secure your USI.

Study Modes

Full Course RPL

We have designed this delivery mode specifically for those who have developed competent skills and knowledge in Christian Ministry as a result of extensive ministry leadership experience (we recommend a minimum of five years). Therefore, though some online resources are provided, the focus of this course in on assisting applicants to achieve accredited recognition of their skills and knowledge developed through their ministry experience.

Duration: 10 weeks

Elective Options: The electives are prescribed as follows:

  • NAT11089006 Investigate and apply a Christian worldview 
  • BSBCMM411 Make presentations 
  • BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team 
  • NAT11089024 Preach a sermon 
  • CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers 

RPL Upgrade

This delivery mode is designed to enable students who have completed the Certificate IV in Ministry and Discipleship or equivalent, have leadership experience in ministry and wish to upgrade to a Diploma in Christian Ministry based on a combination of credit from their previous study and recognition of prior learning (RPL) attained through their ministry experience.

Duration: 10-weeks minimum, three year maximum.

Partner RPL Pathways

We have partnered with some external institutions to enable them to use evidence from their time there as evidence for RPL. Accessibility: These pathways and further information are only accessible via the partner institutions.


For a up-to-date course dates for new and continuing students, please see our Timetables.


Full Course RPL

Fee Structure: upfront fixed price.

RPL Upgrade

Fee structure: Determined by how many units for which RPL is applied and the RPL fee at the time of those applications.

A complete Fee Schedule for all Alphacrucis programs and courses can be found in our Fees Information section.

Government loans are unavailable for this course. An alternative option is Study Loans, a private student loan provider.

To learn more about VET loans provided by Study Loans, click here.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to communicate a broad knowledge of an Old Testament book and New Testament book
  • Ability to identify and apply a Christian worldview and values
  • Demonstration of general leadership skills in a ministry context
  • Ability to apply knowledge of pastoral ministry to a broad range of contexts, and depth in the area of specialisation
  • Demonstration of general research skills, particularly the ability to gather, understand, evaluate and analyse information

Student Services

For information on the suite of student support services available, please see our Student Services section.

Alumni Story

My study aligns with God’s purpose for my life as what I am learning is not just knowledge but God given wisdom from lecturers who have experienced ministry and know how to face the challenges that can arise. I also believe that what is being imparted to me as a student is a God-centred, faith-building attitude and outlook where I know that even though all my questions may not be answered, that it’s okay and God still has a divine plan for us all. And that plan is not based on who we are or what we do, but who he is and what he chooses to do through us.

Sophia Hobbs, Ministry Graduate


Course Code: 11089NAT | CRICOS Course Code: 112110G