Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Biblical Studies

This research cluster is devoted to the study of biblical texts in their historical, theological, and cultural contexts. Work in this cluster involves a wide range of research areas, from exegesis and hermeneutics to contemporary ethical and theological applications of biblical thought. Areas of particular research strength at AC include Old Testament prophetic literature, the letters of Paul, Pentecostal biblical hermeneutics, and the role of women in biblical literature. Researchers in this cluster also seek to connect theory and practice, with particular interests in the application of biblical research to modern ecological and social issues.

Recent Publications


Buchanan, G. (2023). The Spirit, New Creation, and Christian Identity: Towards a Pneumatological Reading of Galatians 3:1–6:17. T&T Clark. | External link

Choi, YH (2023). Revelation and Old Testament Prophetic Books: Thematic Structure, Movement of Prophetic Perspective, and Eschatological Events. Christian Literature Center (CLC), Seoul (Written in Korean).

John D. Griffiths (2022). The Spirit as Gift in Acts. Brill. | External link

Choi, YH (2021). Patterns of Movement in the Hebrew Psalter: A Holistic Thematic Approach with an Exemplar, Psalms 69-87. Peter Lang. | External link

Grey, Jacqueline N., Rabens, Volker, & Kamell Kovalishyn, Mariam J. (eds) (2021). Key Approaches to Biblical Ethics. Leiden: Brill.

Newton, Jon K. (2021). A Pentecostal Commentary on Revelation. Wipf & Stock.

White, A. G.(2021). Paul, Community, and Discipline: Establishing Boundaries and Dealing with the Disorderly. Lexington Books.


Aernie, Jeffrey W. (2024). “The Corporate Portrayal of Women in the Gospel of Matthew as Narrative Disciples.” In Charles Anderson and Matthew Ryan Hauge (eds.), Character Studies in the Gospel of Matthew. LNTS 648. (pp. 149–62). T&T Clark. | External link

Austin, E.M., Rijken, A. (2024). From Grief to Joy: An Intertextual Study of Naomi and Hannah. Australian Biblical Review, (forthcoming).

Aernie, Jeffrey W. (2023). ‘She of Uriah’ (Matthew 1:6): An Evocative and Multivalent Genealogical Annotation. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche, 114 1–21.

Austin, E.M. (2023). Beyond the Face: A Pentecostal’s re-evaluation of Orthodox iconography In J. M. Luetz, D. A. Austin, & A. Duderija, Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices (pp. 147–160). Springer Singapore.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2023). ‘The Old Testament as a Source for Ethics for the Pentecostal community’ In K. Archer & Z. Tackett, Festschrift in honor of Murray W. Dempster (pp. ). Oxford: Regnum Books.

Griffiths, John D. (2023). Tongues as of Fire: Pentecost as a Temple Inauguration Theophany. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 31.2. | External link

Newton, Jon K. (2023). Blurred Boundaries and Hybrids in Revelation. Australian Biblical Review, 71 83-99.

Aernie, Jeffrey W. (2022). Abraham’s Paternity and God’s Promise: Another Look at the Context and Syntax of Romans 4.1. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45 217–38. | External link

Austin, E.M. & Grey, J. (2022). The Holy Spirit in the Chronicler & Ezra-Nehemiah In Craig S. Keener and L. William Oliverio Jr., The Spirit throughout the Canon: Pentecostal Pneumatology (pp. 23-27). Leiden: Brill. | External link

Austin, E. and Coetzee, N. (2022). To Build or to Be: An Intertextual Exploration of Sarai’s Scheme. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 23(1) 59-72. | External link

Austin, E. M.(2022). Biblical Field Study as Experiential Pedagogy: Jerusalem University College as a Case Study. International Journal of Christianity and Education, 1-17.

Choi, YH (2022). The Future of the Church in Ezekiel and Revelation: In Consideration of the Literary-theological Structure, Prophets’ Perspective and Difference of the Prophetic Expression between OT and NT. Text and Context, vol. 6 491-577.

Grey, Jacqueline N. and O’Keefe, Dean (2022). “Fear God, and Keep His Commandments”: Models for a Pentecostal Pedagogy from Exilic and Post-Exilic Texts of the Old Testament’ In D. Johnson & R. Wadholm Jr, Pentecostal Education in the Majority World: A Pentecostal Perspective (pp. ). Baguio: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press.

Grey, Jacqueline N (2022). ‘Trouble in Paradise: Exploring Gender Roles and Violence Against Women in Song of Songs 5:2-8 In K. Alexander, et al, Sisters, Mothers, Daughters: Pentecostal Perspectives on Violence Against Women (pp. 104-20). Leiden: Brill.

Grey, Jacqueline N. and Helmore, Edward J. (2022). ‘Do What is Right and Good: The Theological Foundations for the Common Good in the Old Testament Prophets’ In Daniela C. Augustine & Chris E.W. Green, The Politics of the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on Public Responsibility and the Common Good (pp. 89-98). College Park, MY: Seymour Press.

Griffiths, John D. (2022). In the Last Days: Alteration, Eschatology, and the Spirit In Peter G. Bolt, Jesus: Beginning, Middle, & End of Time? Eschatology in Gospels & Acts Research (pp. ). SCD Press.

White, A. G.(2022). Setting the Boundaries: Reading 1 Timothy and Titus as Community Charters. Biblical Theology Bulletin, 52.4.

Austin, EM & Grey, J (2021). The Holy Spirit in the Chronicler & Ezra-Nehemiah. Pneuma, 43 344–349.

Austin, E.M.(2021). Dust from Heaven: reading ‘ruach tzach’ in Jeremiah 4:11-12 through the lens of geography. Australian Biblical Review, 70 18-32. | External link

Choi, YH (2021). The Places and Way of Presentation of the Messianic Prophecies in the Book of Isaiah as a Whole: In Comparison to the Portrayal of Jesus the Messiah in the Entire Structure of Matthew and Luke. Text and Context, Vol. 5 234-327.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2021). ‘A Prophetic Call to Repentance: David, Bathsheba and a Royal Abuse of Power’ In C. Bridges Johns & L. Stephenson (eds), Grieving, Brooding, Transforming: The Spirit, the Bible, and Gender (pp. 36-52). Leiden: Brill.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2021). ‘Redeemed from Fire by Fire: The Burning Spirit and the Daughters of Zion in Isaiah 4:4’ In C. Bridges Johns & L. Stephenson (eds), Grieving, Brooding, Transforming: The Spirit, the Bible, and Gender (pp. 91-107). Leiden: Brill.

Grey, Jacqueline N., Rabens, Volker and Mariam J. Kamell Kovalishyn (2021). ‘Biblical Ethics: Foundational and Introductory Matters’ In V. Rabens, J.Grey & M. J. Kamell Kovalishyn, Key Approaches to Biblical Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (pp. 1-11). Leiden: Brill.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2021). ‘Key Approaches to New Testament Ethics: A Response from an Old Testament Scholar’s Perspective’ In V. Rabens, J. Grey & M. Kovalishyn, Key Approaches to Biblical Ethics (pp. 347-366). Leiden: Brill.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2021). ‘Female Prophetic Traditions in the Old Testament: A Case Study of Isaiah’s Woman (Isaiah 8:1-4)’. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Vol 30, Issue 1 70-82.

Griffiths, John D. (2021). Wonders in the Heavens Above, Signs on the Earth Below: Pacific Islands Pentecostalism, Climate Change and Acts 2 In Johannes M. Luetz & Patrick D. Nunn, Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands (pp. 329-344). Springer International. | External link

Griffiths, John D. (2021). All the Earth, Let Us Sing: Searching for a Latent Pentecostal Ecology in Australian Pentecostal Worship In Christina Nellist, Climate Crisis and Sustainable Creaturely Care: Integrated Theology, Governance and Justice (pp. 81-102). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | External link

Griffiths, John D. (2021). Spirit-Baptised Creation: Locating Pentecost in the Meta-Narrative of Creation and Its Implications for a Pentecostal Ecology. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 22, 1 46-60. | External link

White, A. G.(2021). “You’re Stealing from Us, Paul”: An Examination of Paul’s “Painful” Visit to Corinth and the Charge of Embezzlement. Australian Biblical Review, 69 37-46.

Buchanan, Grant (2020). Identity and Human Agency in Galatians 5 – 6. Australian Biblical Review, Vol 68, 2020 50-62.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2020). ‘Biblical Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture with the Spirit in Community’ In W. Vondey (ed), A Handbook for Pentecostal Theology (pp. 129-39). New York, NY: Routledge.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2020). ‘Reading Isaiah 6 as a Testimony of Religious Experience’. Journal of Youngsan Theology, Vol 53 77-107. | External link

Newton, Jon K. (2020). Apocalyptic Arithmetic: Numbers and Worldview in the Book of Revelation. The Heythrop Journal, 63:6. | External link

White, A. G.(2020). ‘Three Strikes, You’re Out!’ A Reflection on Church Excommunication in Light of Pauline Practice.”. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 29.2 275-296.

White, A. G.(2020). Paul’s Absence from Corinth as Voluntary Exile: Reading 2 Corinthians 1.1–2.13 and 7.5–16 as a Letter from Exile.. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 43.1 44-66.

Aernie, Jeffrey W. (2019). Theological Grit: The Convergence of Deliberate Practice and Christian Discipleship. Colloquium, 51 5–25.

Choi, YH (2019). The Movement Pattern of the Hebrew Psalter: A Holistic Thematic Approach with an Exemplar, Psalms 69-87, PhD Diss., Charles Sturt University. | External link

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2019). ‘Social Justice in First Isaiah: A Pentecostal Perspective’ In A.L. Harris & M. Palmer (eds), The Holy Spirit and Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives (pp. 66-85). College Park, MY: Seymour Press.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2019). ‘Missio Dei in the Isaiah Memoir’. Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, Vol 22, No. 2 3-12.

Grey, Jacqueline N. (2019). ‘A Prophetic Call to Repentance: David, Bathsheba and a Royal Abuse of Power’. Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 41 9-25.

White, A. G.(2019). God Chose the Poor: Recapturing the Radical Vision of Early Pentecostalism and the Original Pauline Communities. In Antipas Harris and Michael Palmer, The Holy Spirit and Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives (pp. 194–216). Seymour Press.

HDR Theses

Bakker, Anne. The Forty Days of Resurrection Appearances in Luke 24:1−53 and Acts 1:1−11 as Preparation for the Apostles’ Post-Ascension Mission (PhD)

Chin, Young Hee. Luke 4:16-19: A Theological and Socio-scientific Interpretation of Korean Diaspora in Australia for the Search of their Political and Social Identity (PhD)

Hills, Bruce. Living Today in the Light of That Day: The Future Judgment and Reward of Believers (PhD)

Houston, Lesley. An Exploration of the Interpretations and Use of Psalms by Akha Christians (PhD)

Kim, Young. A Study on the Problems of N. T. Wright’s Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels (PhD)

HDR Theses (Completed)

Austin, Emma. “When I see … I will remember” : exploring memorability and nature in the Old Testament through mnemonature (PhD)

Hall, Craig. With what kind of body will they come? Paul’s bodily transformation resurrection message and its reception by his audience amidst social diversity in first-century Corinth: a study of 1 Corinthians 15:12, 35-55 (PhD)

Kakala, Makalofi. Reading Biblical Hebrew Poetry through the lens of Heliaki, a Tongan poetical device (PhD)

Kim, Kon Ju. Studying the Imagery of the Wedding of the Lamb and His Bride in Revelation 19:6–10 (MPhil)

Lim, Ling Siew. The Spirit of YHWH and the Restoration in Ezekiel (PhD)



  • Anne Bakker
  • Young Hee Chin
  • Bruce Hills
  • Lesley Houston
  • Young Kim
  • Keith McPherson
  • Young Soon Park
  • Francis Sackitey
  • Hong Suk Lee


  • Dr Emma Austin
  • Dr Craig Hall
  • Dr Makalofi Kakala
  • Kon Ju Kim
  • Dr Ling Siew Lim


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