Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Details for EDU508 Educational Research and Evidence in Practice

This subject introduces students to educational research and evidence-based practice. It focuses on engaging with knowledge and developing skills to critically assess educational research studies, understand their methodologies and results, and appreciate the implications of these findings for practical application. Through this subject, students will learn to interpret and utilise existing research and will also be empowered to contribute to the field by designing their own research projects aimed at advancing knowledge and improving practices in their specialist areas.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU508
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

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EDU407 Foundations in Christian Education (this can also be taken as a co-requisite course. A total of 80 credit points including a minimum of two curriculum units).

Unit Content


  1. Undertake a comprehensive literature analysis in a specialist field of education and identify evidence and practice gaps. 
  2. Clearly articulate a research question to investigate a contemporary research problem in a specialist teaching area. 
  3. Exhibit a critically reflective understanding of literature within a specified field of research and apply this to develop a literature review for a research project 
  4. Produce a well-structured research proposal that demonstrates an understanding of research methods, frameworks and paradigms applied to further evidence in a specialised area of practice. 
  5. Collaboratively critique research questions, approaches, and methods to improve research proposals that seek to further evidence in specialist focus areas. 

Subject Content

  1. Introduction to educational research and the role of evidence use and inquiry including milestones and influential studies. The history of research in education settings and what constitutes reliable evidence. Seminal research works. Research networks and forums, collaboration and supervision. The rationale for working with peers/supervisors to conduct research and share research ideas, proposals and findings. Epistemology and ontology – how worldviews shape research including a Christian View of Research – anthropology (the who), epistemology (the what and how) the Telos (the why) 
  2. What is a research paradigm and research design. The nature of inquiry: ontologies, epistemologies and axiology. The relationship between worldview and ontology, epistemology and axiology. Understand how these inform a research paradigm. 
  3. The role of literature and the research question (the push and pull). Formulating clear research questions.  How to conduct a literature review. Criteria for selecting valid sources and texts. How to reference correctly and use APA7 guidelines for formatting MTP students cover areas related to AITSL English/Literacy Primary Specialisation areas to select an area for research found here. MTS students discuss and investigate areas related to effective pedagogy to engage students in one of their teaching areas. Problematising and developing a research question/s. 
  4. Writing week 1– share and present their ideas for topics in the forum/online, provide peer feedback. 
  5. Literature reviews continued. Different types of literature reviews. Meta studies and seminal works and how to use these in research.  
  6. Engagement with peers and review of research focus, topic and review. 
  7. Quantitative research design – experimental, quasi-experimental and survey designs in educational research. Working with data i.e. NAPLAN or student assessment results.  Qualitative research design. Mixed Methods Paradigms and Case Studies. Sample sizes. Meta-analysis. Interview questions and protocols.  Indigenous and other ways of knowing 
  8. Data collection methods– interviews, focus groups, participant observation and document analysis/desktop analysisMixed Methods Paradigms and Case Studies. Sample sizes. Meta-analysis. 
  9. Reliability and validity and ethics (informed consent, confidentially and anonymity, ethics approval processes), research integrity, respect for participants. Government vs non-government school ethics requirements.  Permissions, requirements and consent. Retaining participant respect and engagement.  
  10. Data Analysis: coding, thematic analysis, content analysis, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, software tools. 
  11. Bringing it all together – the use of evidence to inform practice. Share online or present your research design in a seminar. 
  12. Bringing it all together – the use of evidence to inform practice.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to face on site (extensive) 
  • E-learning (online/asynchronous) 
  • E-learning (online/synchronous) 

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Minor Essay Evidence analysis and problem synopsis (30%)
  2. Literature Review, research focus and critical reflection (30%)
  3. Research Proposal  (40%)

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