Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Details for EDU518 Learning and Teaching English in the Primary Years

This unit explores the demands of writing and creating with reference to the Australian Curriculum: English, and the NSW English K–10 Syllabus and related documents. The unit extends students’ knowledge of different types of texts and the grammatical and visual features typically found in a range of text types. Students design a sequence of lessons using a text-based cycle of teaching and learning as the foundation for a principled and explicit approach to writing pedagogy, making use of a range of teaching strategies to support the learning of students from diverse backgrounds. Students will also explore the conventions of the English language such as spelling; grammar and word usage; punctuation and handwriting including paragraph, sentence, and word levels. 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU518
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

Contact for more information.


EDU407 Foundations in Christian Education (this can also be taken as a co-requisite course)

Unit Content


  1. Critically evaluate research into how students learn to write and the implications for teaching  
  2. Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of language, literacy and texts (and their grammatical and visual features) relevant to teaching writing and creating in the Australian Curriculum: English and/or the NSW English K–10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum
  3. Apply an understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches, to assess student learning against curriculum achievement standards and/or syllabus outcomes for writing and creating 
  4. Evaluate teaching strategies for writing and creating that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds, including strategies for teaching explicitly about the context, language features (paragraph, sentence, word levels) and multimodal features of texts 
  5. Design a learning and teaching sequence and lesson plan, using knowledge of curriculum, assessment and reporting, student learning and effective strategies for teaching writing and representing in English, including strategies for evaluation 

Subject Content

  1. What is Teaching and Learning English in the Primary Years?
  2. How students learn to write – 1
    1. Understanding the Research 
    2. Critical Evaluation 
  3. How students learn to write 2
    3. Implications for Teaching
    4. Application to NSW Curriculum
    5. Professional Development
    6. Assessment Strategies
  4. Developing writing skills in students – 1
    1. Understanding Language and Literacy
    2.Analysing Texts
    3.Teaching Writing
    4.Creating Texts
    5.Assessment and Feedback
    6.Differentiation and Inclusion
    7.Integration of Technology
    8.Professional Learning
  5. Developing writing skills in students – 2
    Critical Thinking
    Text Structure
    Writing Craft
  6. Text Types 
  7. Effective Writing, the Evidence – 1
    Text-Based Cycle of Teaching and Learning
    Principled and Explicit Approach to Writing Pedagogy
    Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners
    Supporting Materials and Resources

    Assessment and Feedback
    Reflection and Revision
  8. Effective Writing, the Evidence 2 
  9. Writing Pedagogy 1
    Understanding Writing Development
    Alignment with Curriculum Standards
    Explicit Instruction
    Direct Feedback and Guided Practice

    Instructional Strategies
    Integration of Language and Literacy Skills
    Cultural and Linguistic Considerations
    Reflective Practice
  10. Writing Pedagogy 2
  11. Writing Assessment Strategies 1 
  12. Writing Assessment Strategies 2 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • E-learning (online/asynchronous)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Chapter Review (20%)
  2. Critical Reflection (30%)
  3. Integrated Unit of Work  (50%)

Prescribed Text

  • Sedita. J. (2019). The Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction in All Subjects. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company 
  • Nunan, D. (2010). Teaching English to Young Learners | 6 | Handbook of  WEBNov 18, 2016 · Taylor & Francis eBooks, Reference Works and Collections eBook ISBN 9781315716893. ABSTRACT.