Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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University Partnerships

The Strategic Plan of Alphacrucis (AC) University College aims to foster increasing Australian Transnational Education (TNE). TNE is motivated by institutional expansion, increased cultural understanding, intellectual curiosity, internationalisation of the curriculum, research collaboration, shared scholarship, and the challenge of working in cross-cultural environments. A substantial proportion of higher education by English-speaking countries is delivered transnationally. Providers and students are becoming increasingly mobile.


In a global environment, internationalisation is a key concept in education. To maintain competitive advantage for students, AC is developing study abroad opportunities through articulation agreements, allowing direct entry into various postgraduate courses with leading Christian universities in the USA, including:


AC also has a student-staff exchange agreement with:


Through these partnerships, AC is taking significant steps towards achieving its strategic goals through TNE.


Find more information on AC’s articulation agreements here.