Graduate Certificate in Ancient Languages

The Graduate Certificate in Ancient Languages is an AQF Level 8 nested award in the Master of Theological Studies. This award can be either an entry point into further study or an exit point, thus allowing flexibility for students who may wish to start with a short postgraduate course before committing to an AQF Level 9 award or for students who need to exit the Master’s award earlier than intended, due to unforeseen personal or professional reasons.

Course Structure

This course structure applies from Semester 1, 2024.

The course structure is based on one semester (of 13 weeks duration), with four subjects taught in the semester. It comprises:

  • 1 core subject (10 credit points)
  • 3 elective subjects (30 credit points)

To qualify for award of the degree of Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies a candidate shall complete at least 40 credit points, including satisfactory completion of the core subjects.

For more information see the Student Handbook.

Core / 1 Subject (10 credit points)

  • ANL401 Old Testament Hebrew I, or
  • ANL402 New Testament Greek I

Elective / 3 Subjects (30 credit points)

  • 3 subjects taken from accredited Level 8 and 9 subjects (400 or 500 level) in ANL


Applicants with Recent Secondary Education

This course of study requires the completion of a higher education qualification by an authorised institution. Applicants with recent high school education only are not eligible for direct entry into this course.

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training Study

This course of study requires the completion of a higher education qualification by an authorised institution. Applicants with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification only are not eligible for direct entry into this course.

Applicants with Higher Education Study

Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a higher education qualification must demonstrate the completion of an AQF Level 7 Bachelor degree (or higher) by an authorised institution for admission into this course.


Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 (with no score below 6.5 in any of the four skills areas). IELTS (or equivalent) is not required for applicants who have undertaken five years of required higher education study (or equivalent) in English from an approved country or who have completed a Certificate IV or higher qualification awarded in English under the Australian Qualification Framework by an authorised institution or registered training organisation.

Study Modes

Locations: Fully Online. Some subjects available at Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide campuses
Full-time Duration: 0.5 years*
Part-time Duration: Up to 4 years
2024 Intakes: Sem 1, Sem 2, Nov Intake

*Note: this course is currently available on a part-time basis only.

See the timetable to confirm individual subject location and mode availability.


A complete Fee Schedule for all Alphacrucis programs and courses can be found in our Fees Information section.

For a full list of course dates for new and continuing students, please see our Timetables.

FEE-HELP is available for eligible students to assist you in financing your studies. For more information and other options, please visit the Financing Your Study page. For students who cannot access government loans, an alternative option is Study Loans, a private student loan provider. To learn more about loans provided by Study Loans, click here.

Course Learning Outcomes



  • advanced and integrated understanding of key issues and practices within the relevant discipline;
  • knowledge of recent developments and scholarship in the area of the relevant discipline.


Demonstrated ability to:

  • research a complex problem or issue using appropriate methodologies and theories from the relevant disciplines;
  • analyse and synthesise ideas and theories from related disciplines;
  • communicate effectively complex ideas and proposed solutions to peers and general audiences;
  • identify and critically evaluate new developments of research and scholarship in the selected disciplinary field.

Application of knowledge and skills

Demonstrated ability to:

  • articulate new questions or issues and apply the knowledge and skills developed within the selected disciplinary fields to develop appropriate solutions;
  • design, implement and evaluate broad conceptual frameworks in the selected disciplinary fields;
  • work independently, responsibly and with the level of professionalism expected of an expert in the selected disciplinary fields.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Ancient Languages Graduates will demonstrate aptitude in one or more ancient languages (e.g., Greek or Hebrew). Aptitude in this area is requisite for advanced study in the area of Biblical Studies.


To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Ancient Languages, a candidate is not required to complete any Professional Practice subjects. Students who chose to complete a professional practice subject are usually required to find their own workplace/ employer/ mentor to be approved by AC. In some cases, a new aspect within a student’s current paid employment may be suitable as a work placement.


For more information on the suite of student support services available, please see our Student Services section.

CRICOS Course Code: 115074D