Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Jeffrey Aernie
Associate Professor of New Testament Studies; Head of School, School of Ministry and Theology

Jeffrey Aernie is the Head of School for the School of Ministry and Theology. Before coming to Alphacrucis he taught New Testament studies at Charles Sturt University, where he also served as Head of School for the School of Theology.

Jeffrey studied theology at Wheaton College (USA), ministry at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA), and New Testament at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). His research focuses on Paul’s letters and theology, the Synoptic Gospels, and Greek linguistics. He welcomes research students in these three areas.

Jeffrey is a member of the Biblical Studies research cluster.


Ph.D. (University of Aberdeen) 2011

M.Div. (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) 2008

B.A. (Wheaton College) 2005

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