Asia Pacific Theological Association, Cambodia 2017

In line with the Alphacrucis University College (AC) strategic vision of global influence, AC is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) ( which is a cooperative fellowship of Pentecostal colleges in the Asia Pacific region. Demonstrating the strong commitment to this vision, AC staff have senior positions within APTA: President, Stephen Fogarty, is Chairman of the Board; Director of Accreditation and Standards, Denise Austin, is Chair of the Theological Commission; Vice President Academics, David Perry, is a member of the Theological Commission; Vice President Operations, Greg Cortese, is Treasurer; and AC New Zealand Principal, Jack Zoutenbier, is a member of the Accreditation Commission.

During the 2017 APTA 10th General Assembly in Siem Reap, Cambodia, AC Director of Research, Lily Arasaratnam-Smith was the Plenary Speaker. She presented four sessions focused on the General Assembly theme of “Culture, Worldviews, and Christian Higher Education.” Denise Austin also presented two workshops: "Preserving Pentecostal History" and "Ensuring Quality in Christian Education." Stephen Fogarty presented a workshop on “Vision and Mission in a Christian College” and David Perry presented a workshop on “Spirit Baptism.”

APTA Cambodia 2017