Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)

The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) is designed to provide specialised knowledge, and research training, in the broad fields of Theology, Business, and Education. Candidates who successfully complete this course may be eligible to apply directly to the PhD or another doctoral program. 

If you have prepared your proposal and are ready to apply, please use our expression of interest form.

Course Description

This course will develop graduates who will be able to provide creative solutions, by integrating a Christian worldview and discipline expertise, to complex issues such as social and environmental responsibility. Skills in problem solving and communication to transfer complex knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences are developed alongside high-level specialist knowledge and expertise in the graduates’ chosen discipline area of Business, Education or Theology.

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Course Structure

The course structure is based on two semesters (each of 12 weeks duration, plus an exam week), with 40 credit points taught in each semester. It comprises:

  • one 20 credit point research methods subject;
  • one 40 credit point honours research thesis (15,000 words) in the area of specialisation;
  • one 20 credit point methods, theories and practices subject taken from the area of specialisation.

To qualify for award of the degree of Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) a candidate shall complete at least 80 credit points, including satisfactory completion of the core subjects.


Core / 80 Credit Points

Subjects with a 'XXX' code will be replaced with the discipline code as determined by your supervisor. For example, if your discipline area is Education, the code will be replaced as EDU406.

View the full list of subjects for this course.

Admission Criteria


Applicants with Recent Secondary Education (within the past 2 years)

This course requires the completion of previous higher education study.

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training (VET) Study

This course requires the completion of previous higher education study.

Applicants with Higher Education Study

Applicants seeking entry on the basis of a higher education qualification will need to demonstrate the completion of an AQF Level 7 Bachelor degree in a relevant field, or overseas equivalent. This must include an overall GPA at least 2.8.

Applicants with Work and Life Experience

This course requires the completion of previous higher education study.


Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 (with no score below 6.5 in any of the four skills areas). IELTS (or equivalent) is not required for applicants who have undertaken five years of required higher education study (or equivalent) in English from an approved country or who have completed a Certificate IV or higher qualification awarded in English under the Australian Qualification Framework by an authorised institution or registered training organisation.

Study Modes

Locations: Online, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart campuses
Full-time Duration: 1 year
Part-time Duration: Up to 4 years
2024 Intakes: Sem 1, Sem 2

See the timetable to confirm individual subject location and mode availability.

Fees & Timetable

A complete Fee Schedule for all Alphacrucis programs and courses can be found in our Fees Information section.

For a full list of course dates for new and continuing students, please see our Timetables.

FEE-HELP is available for eligible students to assist you in financing your studies. For more information and other options, please visit the Financing Your Study page. For students who cannot access government loans, an alternative option is Study Loans, a private student loan provider. To learn more about loans provided by Study Loans, click here.

Course Learning Outcomes



  • integrated understanding of key issues, theoretical concepts and practices within the discipline area;
  • knowledge of various approaches used in the discipline area within the Christian worldview framework;



  • critically apply knowledge developed for use in the discipline area;
  • use critical, evidenced based and innovative thinking skills to analyse and synthesise ideas and theories from other disciplines related to the discipline area;
  • design a research question that explores an original and complex issue and propose solutions;
  • communicate effectively ideas and proposed solutions to peers and general audiences;
  • identify and critically evaluate new developments and scholarship in the discipline area.

Application of Knowledge and Skills:

Demonstrated ability to:

  • apply the knowledge and skills developed within the selected research field to engage with new questions and find innovative and creative solutions;
  • work independently and responsibly in the selected research field;
  • effectively design, implement and communicate a major honours thesis in the selected research field to contribute original knowledge and expertise to peers and the community;
  • develop an advanced level of integrative reflection which will inform and enhance professional practice.

Career Opportunities

Graduates may find employment in a range of positions within the church, not-for-profit, commercial or government organisations, or a variety of positions that require research skills.


"Studying at AC has provided me with the perfect blend of experience and theory, exposed me to different perspectives and helped me to broaden my worldview. There is a sense of intimacy on campus, and online, everyone knows each other and you get to do this journey together."




Student Services

For more information on the suite of student support services available, please see our Student Services section.

CRICOS Course Code: 108380H