Professor Ben Myers

Professor Ben Myers

Professor of Theology and Literature; Graduate Research School Director; Acting Director of Research

1300 228 355
Contact Ben Myers

Ben oversees AC research and the higher degree research programs (Honours, MPhil, DMin, PhD). He has worked extensively in research and postgraduate supervision, and has been a research fellow at the University of Queensland, a lecturer at Charles Sturt University, and dean of liberal arts at Christian Heritage College. His international appointments have included visiting fellow at Fuller Theological Seminary and member in residence at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton. He is an Adjunct of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture and the Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society at Charles Sturt University.

Ben is a specialist in theology and literature, with particular interests in seventeenth-century literature and modern theology. His publications include Milton’s Theology of Freedom (de Gruyter), Christ the Stranger: The Theology of Rowan Williams (T&T Clark), and The Apostles’ Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism (Lexham), as well as numerous journal articles on theology and literature. His current research focuses on representations of God in seventeenth-century poetry.

Ben is a member of the Theology and Society research cluster.


PhD (cum laude) (James Cook University)
Dissertation Title The Theology of Freedom in Milton’s Paradise Lost 2005

BA(Hons1) (James Cook University)
Dissertation Title Ontological Inquiry in Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable 2001

Current Research

Literature and theology

Seventeenth-century English thought

Modern theology

Early Christian thought


  • 2023
    • Myers, B., P. Leithart, and W. Hill (2023). The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism. Lexham Press.
  • 2018
    • Myers, B. (2018). The Apostles’ Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism. Lexham Press.
  • 2012
    • Myers, B. (2012). Christ the Stranger: The Theology of Rowan Williams. T&T Clark.
  • 2006
    • Myers, B. (2006). Milton's Theology of Freedom. De Gruyter.

Book Chapters

  • Forthcoming
    • Myers, B.. William Blake's Visual Interpretation of the Book of Job In López-Farjeat, L., Charpenel, E. and Bravo, N., The Disruptive Challenges of God: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives on the Figure of Job (pp. ). Brill.
  • 2024
    • Myers, B. (2024). Kierkegaard, Robert Iles, and the Critique of Christianity In Hawkes, N., Kierkegaard and the Church Today (pp. 109-115). Openbook.
  • 2020
    • Myers, B. (2020). "‘Truth, Not Custom’: Joseph Ratzinger on Faith and Reason" In Tim Perry (ed.), The Theology of Benedict XVI: A Protestant Appreciation (pp. ). Lexham Press.
  • 2019
    • Myers, B. and Stephens, S. (2019). "The discipline of the eyes: patristic reflections on visual culture" In John Frederick (ed.), The HTML of Cruciform Love (pp. ). Pickwick Press.
  • 2016
    • Myers, B. (2016). "Exegetical Mysticism: Scripture, Paideia, and the Spiritual Senses" In Janice McRandal (Ed.), Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology (pp. 1-14). Fortress.
  • 2015
    • Myers, B. (2015). "The Patristic Atonement Model" In Oliver Crisp and Fred Sanders (Eds.), Locating Atonement: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics (pp. 71-88). Zondervan.
  • 2014
    • Myers, B. (2014). "Dietrich Bonhoeffer" In Seforosa Carroll and William W. Emilsen (Eds.), Great Spiritual Leaders: Studies in Leadership for a Pluralist Society (pp. ). Barton Books.
  • 2013
    • Myers, B. (2013). "Pauline Apocalyptic and Political Nihilism: Jacob Taubes and Karl Barth" In David W. Congdon (Ed.), Barth in Conversation (pp. ). Cascade Books.
    • Myers, B. (2013). "A Tale of Two Gardens: Augustine’s Narrative Interpretation of Romans 5" In Beverly Gaventa (Ed.), in Apocalpytic Paul: Cosmos and Anthropos in Romans 5-8 (pp. 39-58). Baylor University Press.
  • 2012
    • Myers, B. (2012). "Thomas Aquinas" In Thomas Corns (Ed.), The Milton Encyclopedia (pp. ). Yale University Press.
    • Myers, B. (2012). "Predestination" In Thomas Corns (Ed.), The Milton Encyclopedia (pp. ). Yale University Press.
    • Myers, B. (2012). "Karl Barth’s Theology in Australia" In Günter Thomas and Bruce McCormack (Eds.), Dogmatics after Barth: Facing Challenges in Church, Society, and the Academy (pp. 53-66). Leipzig.
    • Myers, B. (2012). "The Fall" In Thomas Corns (Ed.), The Milton Encyclopedia (pp. ). Yale University Press.
  • 2011
    • Myers, B. (2011). "‘Through him all things were made’: Creation, Redemption, Election" In Ernst Conradie (Ed.), Creation and Salvation: Dialogue on Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for Contemporary Ecotheology (pp. ). Brill.
    • Myers, B. (2011). "Election, Trinity and the History of Jesus: Reading Barth with Rowan Williams" In Myk Habets (Ed.), Trinitarian Theology After Barth (pp. ). Pickwick.
  • 2009
    • Myers, B. (2009). "Disruptive History: Rowan Williams on Heresy and Orthodoxy" In Matheson Russell (Ed.), On Rowan Williams: Critical Essays (pp. 47-67). Cascade.
    • Myers, B. (2009). "From Faithfulness to Faith in the Theology of Karl Barth" In Michael F. Bird and Preston M. Sprinkle (Eds.), The Faith of Jesus Christ: Exegetical, Biblical and Theological Studies (pp. 291-308). Paternoster.
  • 2006
    • Myers, B. (2006). "Alister McGrath’s Scientific Theology" In Alister E. McGrath (Ed.), The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology (pp. 1-20). Blackwell.

Journal Articles

  • 2024
    • Myers, B. (2024). Blakean Anti-Wisdom in Thomas Merton's Proverbs. Literature and Theology, 38. | External link
  • 2023
    • Myers, B. (2023). Can God’s work in history be discerned? The ambiguities of providence in the poetry of John Milton. Scottish Journal of Theology, 76. | External link
    • Myers, B. (2023). Divine and Human Agency in the Poetry of George Herbert. Anglican Theological Review, 105:2. | External link
  • 2022
    • Myers, B. (2022). Worship Resources for August: Luke 4:1-13. Expository Times, 133:10 442-445. | External link
    • Myers, B. (2022). Affliction and Resignation in George Herbert: Reflections on Human Agency in a Global Pandemic. New Blackfriars, 103:1103 113-127. | External link
  • 2021
    • Myers, B. (2021). Does Theology Belong in the University? Schleiermacherian Reflections from an Australian Context. International Journal of Public Theology, 15:4 484-495. | External link
  • 2014
    • Myers, B. (2014). "The Cloister and the Barracks: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Formation of Christian Community". Australian Army Chaplaincy Journal, Winter 2014 43-50.
  • 2012
    • Myers, B. (2012). "Librarianship as a Christian Vocation". ANZTLA eJournal, 9 147-58.
  • 2011
    • Myers, B. (2011). "Rights, Resistance and the Common Good: Calvin’s Political Theology". Uniting Church Studies, 17.
    • Myers, B. (2011). "The Aesthetics of Christian Mission". Uniting Church Studies, 17.
  • 2010
    • Myers, B. (2010). "‘In his own strange way’: Indigenous Australians and the Church’s Confession". Uniting Church Studies, 16:1 39-48.
    • Myers, B. (2010). "Theology 2.0: Blogging as Theological Discourse". Cultural Encounters, 6:1 47-60.
  • 2009
    • Myers, B. (2009). "The Impossibility of the Secular: Double Prevenience in Karl Barth's Ethics of Reconciliation". Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 27.1 88-99.
    • Myers, B. (2009). "Karl Barth and Contemporary Paganism". Princeton Seminary Bulletin, 30 152-79.
  • 2008
    • Myers, B. (2008). "‘Following the Way Which Is Called Heresy’: Milton and the Heretical Imperative". Journal of the History of Ideas, 69.3 375-93.
    • Myers, B. (2008). "Faith as Self-Understanding: Towards a Post-Barthian Appreciation of Rudolf Bultmann". International Journal of Systematic Theology, 10.1 21-35.
    • Myers, B. and McKenzie R. (2008). "Dialectical Critical Realism in Science and Theology". Science and Christian Belief, 20.1 49-66.
    • Myers, B. (2008). "The Stratification of Knowledge in the Thought of T. F. Torrance". Scottish Journal of Theology, 61.1 1-15.
    • Myers, B. (2008). "Milton and the Theology of Secular Politics". The Turnbull Library Record, 41 37-49.
  • 2007
    • Myers, B. (2007). "The Difference Totality Makes: Reconsidering Pannenberg’s Eschatological Ontology". Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 49.2 141-55.
    • Myers, B. (2007). "Karl Barth as Historian: Historical Method in the Göttingen Lectures on Calvin, Zwingli and Schleiermacher". Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie, 23.1 96-109.
  • 2006
    • Myers, B. (2006). "Prevenient Grace and Conversion in Paradise Lost". Milton Quarterly, 40.1 22-39.
    • Myers, B. (2006). "Predestination and Freedom in Milton’s Paradise Lost". Scottish Journal of Theology, 59.1 64-80.
  • 2005
    • Myers, B. (2005). "Alister McGrath's Scientific Theology". Reformed Theological Review, 64.1 15-34.
    • Myers, B. (2005). "Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book 11". The Explicator, 64.1 14-17.
  • 2003
    • Myers, B. (2003). "Bunyan’s Gospel: The Theological Role of Mr Ignorance in the Pilgrim’s Progress". Reformed Theological Review, 62.1 29-38.

Internal and External Grants

  • 2024
    • Special Studies Program Grant, $40000, AC
  • 2023
    • Conference Travel Grant, $2000, Alphacrucis University College
  • 2019
    • Research Travel Grant, $2500, Centre for Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University
  • 2018
    • Research Funds, $3400, Christian Heritage College
  • 2016
    • Faculty of Arts and Education Research Funds, $32500, Charles Sturt University
  • 2014
    • Faculty Research Grant, $4800, Charles Sturt University
  • 2013
    • International Travel Grant, $5000, Charles Sturt University
  • 2012
    • Faculty of Arts and Education Research Funding, $29500, Charles Sturt University
    • Faculty Research Compact Grant, $5000, Charles Sturt University
  • 2010
    • International Travel Grant, $5000, Charles Sturt University
  • 2009
    • International Travel Grant, $5000, Charles Sturt University
  • 2008
    • Faculty Research Funding, $27000, Charles Sturt University
    • Housing Grant, Centre for Theological Inquiry, $6000, Princeton (USA)
    • Minor Infrastructure Research Fund, $36800, University of Queensland
  • 2007
    • Early Career Research Grant, $9500, University of Queensland
    • Faculty International Conference Fund, $2000, University of Queensland
  • 2006
    • New Staff Startup Research Grant, $12500, University of Queensland


  • 2024
    • Representing God in Literature (2024), Centre for Religion, Ethics, and Society, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, 08 Oct 2024
    • Poetry as Truth: Why Milton Matters (2024), University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA, 10 Apr 2024
    • Democracy of the Dead: Why the Christian Past Matters (2024), Lewis House Lecture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA, 09 Apr 2024
  • 2022
    • Living in the Covid Moment: Historical Turning Points and the Doctrine of Providence (2022), Theologising in the Shadow of the Pandemic: Theology Research Network Conference, Sydney, 21 May 2022
  • 2021
    • Poetry and Moral Formation (2021), Keynote address, Australian College of Christian Studies Research Conference, Sydney, 21 Oct 2021
    • Theology and the university: queen of the sciences? (2021), ANZATS Seminar, Alphacrucis College, Brisbane Campus and Online, 19 Mar 2021
    • What's the Purpose of a Creed in a Pluralistic World? (2021), St James Institute, Sydney, 21 Feb 2021
  • 2019
    • Arguing with God: The Dialogue on Solitude in Paradise Lost, Book 8 (2019), International Milton Symposium, Strasbourg, France, 25 Jun 2019
    • "Grace and Human Agency in George Herbert" (2019), St James Institute, Sydney, Australia, 03 Jun 2019
  • 2018
    • "The Irony of Grace in Milton, Shakespeare, and Herbert" (2018), Tell it slant: a symposium on theology and the arts, Brisbane, 18 Jun 2018
    • "Sacrifice in the Poetry of George Herbert" (2018), ANZATS, Brisbane, Australia, 01 Jun 2018
    • "Two Visions of Education: Plato and Rousseau" (2018), Covenant College Founders Lecture, Canberra, Australia, 01 Jun 2018
    • "Francis Bacon, the Book of Genesis, and the Origins of the Scientific Method" (2018), Fuller Seminary Analytic Theology Seminar, Los Angeles, USA, 02 Apr 2018
  • 2017
    • "Biblical Proverbs in Western Culture" (2017), Institute for Spiritual Studies, Melbourne, 26 Nov 2017
    • "Theology in Marilynne Robinson's Gilead" (2017), Peace Talks, Paddington Anglican Church, Sydney, 25 Oct 2017
    • "William Blake: The Spirit of Christian Protest" (2017), Lecture on the Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Leichhardt Uniting Church, Sydney, 18 Oct 2017
  • 2016
    • Shakespeare and Christian Spirituality (2016), Institute for Spiritual Studies, Melbourne, 25 Nov 2016
    • "Sacrifice and Atonement in Origen" (2016), ANZATS Conference, Melbourne, 12 Jul 2016
  • 2015
    • "The Patristic Atonement Model" (2015), United Theological College Inaugural Lecture, Sydney, Australia, 02 Feb 2015
    • "Atonement and the Image of God" (2015), LA Theology Conference, Los Angeles, USA, 20 Jan 2015
  • 2014
    • "Scripture and the Culture of Desert Monasticism" (2014), Institute for Spiritual Studies, Melbourne, 10 Nov 2014
    • "The Discipline of the Eyes in Early Christian Thought" (2014), Ecclesia and Ethics Conference, Brisbane, 05 Jan 2014
  • 2013
    • “George Herbert’s God" (2013), Annual public lecture for the Oratory of the Good Shepherd, Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney, 10 Dec 2013
    • "God and Other Strangers" (2013), Institute for Spiritual Studies, Melbourne, 25 Nov 2013
    • Exegetical Mysticism: Wordless Prayer in Sarah Coakley (2013), Symposium on Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology, Melbourne, 26 Apr 2013
    • "God and Other Strangers: Rowan Williams in the Public Square" (2013), Commencement address for St Barnabas Theological College, Adelaide, 25 Jan 2013
  • 2012
    • "A Tale of Two Gardens: Augustine’s Narrative Interpretation of Romans" (2012), Keynote address at the St Paul and Apocalyptic conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, 19 May 2012
    • Librarianship as a Christian Vocation (2012), Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association Conference, Sydney, 06 Jan 2012
  • 2010
    • "Heaven in Ordinary: George Herbert's Poetics" (2010), American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, USA, 05 Nov 2010
  • 2009
    • "Karl Barth and Contemporary Paganism" (2009), Keynote for the Fourth Annual Karl Barth Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, USA, 12 May 2009
  • 2008
    • "The Invention of Reason: Milton and Secular Politics" (2008), Founders Lecture at the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 19 Jun 2008

Engagement Publications


  • 2022
    • Myers, B. and N. Kennedy (2022). The Apostles' Creed: For All God's Children. Lexham Press.
  • 2013
    • Myers, B. (2013). Salvation in My Pocket: Fragments of Faith and Theology. Eugene, OR: Cascade.

Book Chapters

  • 2011
    • Myers, B. (2011). "Showing God" In Emilsen, W. (Ed.), I Believe in God (pp. ). UTC Publications: Sydney.

Popular Articles

  • 2022
    • Myers, B. (2022). The Apostles' Creed. OnScript Podcast, . | External link
  • 2021
    • Myers, B. (2021). On the life, times, political theology and poetry of John Milton. Political Animals Podcast, . | External link
    • Myers, B. (2021). "I believe? Ben Myers on creeds in the contemporary world, Lent, and Bob Dylan". Soul Search, ABC Radio National, . | External link
  • 2018
    • Myers, B. (2018). Take and Read: Theology: An Annotated List of the Best New Titles. The Christian Century, .
    • Petersen, J. (2018). "What is the Apostles' Creed: An Interview with Ben Myers". Bible Gateway, .
  • 2017
    • Myers, B. (2017). Take and Read: Theology: An Annotated List of the Best New Titles. The Christian Century, .
  • 2016
    • Myers, B. (2016). "How God Is Revealed in Springfield". Church Times, .
  • 2015
    • Myers, B. (2015). Faith Gives Fullness to Reasoning. ABC Religion & Ethics, .
    • Myers, B. (2015). On Not Confusing Church and State. ABC Religion & Ethics, .
  • 2014
    • Myers, B. (2014). "Dylan’s Gospel". Radio National, .
  • 2013
    • Myers, B. (2013). "Reflected Glory: Imitation, Biography, and Moral Formation in Early Christian". ABC Religion & Ethics, .
    • Myers, B. (2013). "Loving Falstaff: Shakespeare and the Moral Vision of Comedy". ABC Religion & Ethics, .
    • Myers, B. (2013). The Cross and the Atonement. ABC Radio National program, .
  • 2012
    • Myers, B. (2012). Trampling Creation. ABC Religion & Ethics, .
    • Myers, B. (2012). “Rowan Williams and the Politics of the Empty Church". ABC Religion & Ethics, .
    • Myers, B. (2012). Good Friday Breakfast. ABC Radio, .
    • Myers, B. (2012). The Problem with Rowan Williams. ABC Religion & Ethics, .

Professional Memberships

American Academy of Religion (since 2009)

Emily Dickinson International Society (since 2024)

European Academy of Religion (since 2022)

George Herbert Society (since 2021)

Milton Society of America (since 2006)

Current Supervision

  • Current
    • Asnicar, P, The Church as a Learning Community: Communal learning and inquiry as locally embodied expression of the gospel (PhD thesis)
    • Daariimaa, A, TBA (PhD thesis)
    • Harrison, W, Conditional Cessationism: A revised doctrine of cessationism for the Reformed Tradition (PhD thesis)
    • Spragg, K, The Holy Ordinary: Settler Alienation, Creaturehood, and Antipodean Belonging in the Novels and Non-Fiction of Tim Winton (PhD thesis)
    • Terceiro, D, Making multimodal meaning: An analysis of word and image in picture books and graphic novels (PhD thesis)
    • Mercer, A, Flourishing in exile: communal disciplines, spiritual formation, and the monastic ideal in contemporary Christian thought (PhD thesis)
    • Magnussen, C, Paul Tillich and the Idea of Context in Modern Theology (MPhil thesis)
    • Nahavandi, L, Pentecostals and Patristics: A theological reflection on Pentecostal ressourcement (PhD thesis)
    • Burns, L, Koinos and modern social capital theory (PhD thesis)
    • Fitz-Herbert, J, Becoming reconciled: A critical review of responses from the official Australian Catholic Church to Australian national indigenous Reconciliation, in light of the Catholic liturgical tradition (working title) (DMin thesis)

Completed Supervision

  • 2023
    • Rosolen, G., Theological Geometry and Its Application to Classical Christology (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Keyhanee, M, An Exercise in Comparative Theology: Light in the Bible and the Qu'ran (MPhil thesis)
  • 2022
    • Thomas, P., Exegeting the World: M. M. Thomas’s Secular Commentaries on Scripture (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Howard, B., Imagination in the Theology of Rowan Williams (Doctoral Thesis)
  • 2020
    • McKinlay, B., Rowan Williams’ theory of conflict, solidarity, and ecumenism (Doctoral Thesis)
  • 2017
    • Green, R., Kenosis and Ascent: The Trajectory of the Self in the Thought of John Milbank and Rowan Williams (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Wilcoxen, M., Morally Perfect Being Theology: A Doctrine of Divine Humility (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Yu, J. I., Faith and Justification in Korean Reformed Theology (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Iese, A., Edward Schillebeeckx in Dialogue with Pacific Contextual Theology (Masters Project/Thesis)
  • 2016
    • Anderson, R., Metaphysics and Language in Contemporary Theology (Masters Project/Thesis)
  • 2015
    • Palmer, D., Negotiating the Historic Episcopate: Christian Unity Discussions Between the Anglican and Non-Episcopal Communions, 1888–1938 (Doctoral Thesis)
  • 2014
    • Wright, S., Dogmatic Aesthetics: A Theology of Beauty in Dialogue with Robert W. Jenson (Doctoral Thesis)
    • McClean, B., Origen and Barth: Christological Exegesis of the Book of Exodus (Bachelors Honours Thesis)
  • 2013
    • Rees, J., Difference, Doctrine, and Discourse: A Contribution to Feminist Systematic Theology (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Kim, R., The Pastoral Dimension of the Doctrine of Predestination in John Calvin and Moïse Amyraut (Bachelors Honours Thesis)
    • Lakshmanan, X., • Narrative and Ontology: Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutic Philosophy and Theological Method (Doctoral Thesis)
  • 2009
    • Rees, J., Sarah Coakley and the Future of Feminist Theology (Bachelors Honours Thesis)

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