Graduate Attributes

Alphacrucis University College works hard to integrate each of our seven graduate attributes into all of our subjects, awards and extracurricular activities. We are committed to ensuring you develop each of the following attributes while earning your award: 

Christian Worldview: Knowledge of the Christian story, derived from the Scriptures and tradition of the church. An awareness of the implications of this story for self-identity in the context of local and global communities. This includes a commitment to engage with alternate worldviews, showing appreciation of the values and perspectives of others.

Integrity and Justice: The ability to apply a Christian worldview in the diverse situations and responsibilities of life, and to exercise faith, hope, love and generosity as prevailing attitudes. This includes the active promotion of social justice, equality, mutual respect and an ecological ethos.

Leadership: The ability to provide effective Christian leadership to individuals, groups and organisations, demonstrated in the capacity to influence and enable others to accomplish worthwhile objectives which contribute to the human good and the kingdom of God. This includes seeking to emulate the example of Jesus Christ in serving and empowering others.

Communication: The ability to communicate effectively to a range of audiences, in appropriate contexts using high levels of verbal, written and technological skills. This includes visual and media literacy, numeracy, rhetoric and persuasion.

Personal and Social Skills: Demonstrate relational skills that incorporate the flexibility for both independent and collaborative situations. This includes personal and group organisational skills, conflict management and resolution, as well as the ability to value and respect the opinions of others.

Critical and Creative Thinking: A capacity for critical and reflective thinking that is explored not only individually but within a community context. This includes a capacity to be creative and to research, analyse and resolve problems in innovative and prophetic ways.

Professional Knowledge: Use and maintain knowledge about a discipline or field in terms of theoretical, conceptual and methodical elements, striving continually and independently to secure further knowledge and where appropriate, defined professional skills.