12 March 2019

New Era for the Jagelman Institute and Alphacrucis

The Jagelman Institute is moving into a new era in partnership with Alphacrucis College.  The Institute will continue to be a vehicle for Dr Ian Jagelman’s writing, speaking and mentoring in leadership, but will expand its activities as it becomes the leadership research centre for Alphacrucis College.  The Institute will maintain its separate identity and legal structure, with an Alphacrucis representative on the board and Alphacrucis will invest in leadership research through the Institute, and host the Institute’s website. 

Professor Paul Oslington, Dean of Business at Alphacrucis said “We see this partnership as honouring Ian’s immense contribution to leadership in the Pentecostal churches and beyond, and his role as the founding head of leadership studies at Alphacrucis”

Ps Richard Botta, Chair of the Jagelman Institute Board, spoke of how this partnership will help bring Ian’s approach to leadership to the next generation through recordings and writing available on the website, and how it will secure the future of the Institute.  He paid tribute to the transformative impact of Ian’s teaching on many pastors, and how it has triggered substantial growth of the churches they lead. 

Ian described the discussions that have been going on over the last year, in which he sees God’s hand, and is looking forward to concentrating on writing and mentoring as he steps back from frontline teaching at Alphacrucis.  

He has been closely involved over the last year in the handover of his role as Director of the Master of Leadership program to Dr Mulyadi Robin, who joined Alphacrucis from Monash University.  Ian will continue to teach the Leadership Principles unit in our Bachelor of Business, and The Spiritual Life of the Leader in our Master of Leadership.

After signing the memorandum of understanding we prayed that the Institute will continue to bless leaders in our churches, not-for-profits, schools, and businesses for many years to come, and for Ian and Jeanie Jagelman as they move into this new stage of life. 

JIAC signing

Andrew Wilson, David Perry, Richard Botta, Paul Oslington and Ian Jagelman signing the MOU