AC’s Assoc Prof Lily Arasaratnam-Smith awarded prestigious Intercultural Research award

Congratulations to AC's Director of Research, Assoc Prof Lily Arasaratnam-Smith, who has been made a Fellow by the International Academy of Intercultural Research. This prestigious award recognises the significant contributions Lily has made in Intercultural Research.

Officially the Fellow appointment is reserved:

for senior researchers who have made significant and enduring contributions to research in the field of intercultural relations, most commonly through books and a body of scholarly publications in relevant journals. Typically, Fellows will have 7 or more years post Ph.D or equivalent degree, and have attained an academic rank equivalent to Full Professor with tenure at a University or College.” The Fellow category of membership is by external nomination only.

The academy usually awards the Fellow rank every two years, and Lily was one of two recipients of this rank in the 2015-2017 period. The other recipient is a cross-cultural psychologist from Norway.


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