Australian Pentecostal Studies Supplementary Series

Supplementary Series Titles

VOLUME 1 Pellegrini: An Italian Protestant Community in Sydney, 1958-1998 by Mark Hutchinson.

Dialect-speaking, southern Italian immigrants speak for themselves in this history of an emigrant church in a working-class suburb of Sydney. But they do so on an international stage, reflecting the drama of the ages. They were the spiritual heirs of the Waldensians of the sixteenth century; they withstood the persecutions of Mussolini's Italy; their souls were fashioned by untutored mystics; and they surmounted the challenges of racism and loneliness in a strange land.

VOLUME 2 Them, Us & Me: How the Old Testament Speaks to People Today by Jacqueline Grey.

This book offers a fresh approach to helping the reader read and understand the Old Testament. The first section provides simple keys to discover the Old Testament. It teaches the reader about the cultural world of ancient Israel and draws connections between Jesus' fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies and the relevance of that to contemporary life. The second section presents an inspiring overview of the significant events in the Old Testament.

VOLUME 3 Raising Women Leaders: Perspectives on Liberating Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Contexts edited by Shane Clifton and Jacqueline Grey.

This book is driven by a passion to reclaim the Pentecostal/charismatic tradition of empowering women. It brings together the expertise of authors from various scholarly disciplines, exegetes, theologians, historians & philosophers, along with leadership theorists & practitioners, all from diverse denominational backgrounds. Together, they share the belief that the gospel facilitates liberation from oppression & encourages all people, women & men alike, to flourish in life & ministry.

VOLUME 4 P.S. I'm Single: Reflections on Singleness edited by Lily A. Arasaratnam.

This book offers a welcome alternative to anyone who is looking for something different from the generic brand of books on singleness. Based on the personal and professional perspectives of five single persons ranging in ages from late 20s to mid 50s, this book discusses the subject of singleness from Biblical, theological, pastoral, and socio-cultural perspectives. With astute wit and lived realism, the authors explore the hard questions about being a single person in today's society and offer refreshing new perspectives on the experience of singleness.

VOLUME 5 Our College: A History of the National College of Australian Christian Churches (Assemblies of God in Australia) by Denise A. Austin.

Since its inception in 1937, Australian Christian Churches (Assemblies of God in Australia) has transformed from a small, fragmented sect, into a substantial denomination with far-reaching impact. This book shows how the church's national training institution, Alphacrucis University College (formerly Commonwealth Bible College, then Southern Cross College), has been integral to the unity, vitality and growth of the movement. The college became a greenhouse for church planters and missionaries, as Pentecostal alumni took the lead in renewal and visionary faith.

VOLUME 6 Light a Fire: How to Effectively Motivate Volunteers in Your Church by Stephen Fogarty

In every church – no matter the size – volunteers matter. But building a team of dedicated, skilled, compassionate volunteers doesn't happen automatically. Good leaders must acquire the expertise to equip believers to become more effective. In this book, Stephen Fogarty gives church leaders a valuable resource to select, equip, and direct volunteers to deepen and expand God's kingdom. His extensive research is a springboard for clear principles, vivid stories, rich biblical insights, and practical applications to help pastors and team leaders.

VOLUME 7 Jesus First: The Life and Leadership of Andrew Evans by Denise Austin

Andrew Evans is renowned as a prominent Australian Pentecostal church planter, missionary, denominational leader and politician. Under his 30-year leadership, Paradise Assembly of God in Adelaide became one of the largest churches in Australia. As General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Australia for 20 years, Evans instigated one of the most successful church planting drives in history and opened the way for global movements, such as Hillsong and PlanetShakers. Defying traditional church-state demarcations, he then founded the Family First political party and served as a Legislative Councillor, holding the balance of power in the South Australian parliament. This book provides a detailed biography of this humble Christian statesman and the timeless principles that guided his leadership.