Completed Theses

Austin, Emma. “When I see … I will remember”: exploring memorability and nature in the Old Testament through mnemonature (PhD)

Bohr, Mark. The self-identification of Generation Y as 'no religion' in contemporary Australian society (DMin)

Botross, Peter. Theological and Pedagogical Approaches to Equipping Disciple-makers in Victorian Baptist Churches (DMin)

Cat, Christopher. Unrealised Pentecostal Divine Healing Expectations: A Pastoral Dialogue With The Psychology Of Religion And Coping (PhD)

Cho, Rog Hyeong. 십자가 신학의 상황적 재해석: 호주 한인 디아스포라 상황에서 번영신학의 왜곡에 대한 비판과 극복을 중심으로 (A Contextual Reshaping of the Theology of the Cross: Moving Beyond Prosperity Theology in the Korean-Australian Diaspora) (PhD)

Creed, Fleur. The Church as a Place for Connection: Building Social Capital Across Social and Cultural Boundaries in Australian Communities (PhD)

Davis, Allan. Religious acculturation of Syriac Orthodox churches in diaspora in Australia (PhD)

Furniss, Jennifer. Exploring the Effect of Speaking in Tongues on Desire, Motivation, and Emotion (DMin)

Gurung, Bhupendra. What is the problem? The Restrictions of Female Leadership in Nepalese Pentecostal Churches (MPhil)

Hall, Craig. With what kind of body will they come? Paul's bodily transformation resurrection message and its reception by his audience amidst social diversity in first-century Corinth: a study of 1 Corinthians 15:12, 35-55 (PhD)

Han, David. 회교 선교 전략을 위한 기독교와 회교의 종교간 대화: 멜번의 다종교 콘텍스트와 오리엔탈적 사후세계관을 중심으로 A Critical Study of the Hereafter-worldview between Christianity and Islam, Focused on Orientalism, for Inter-religious Dialogue within the Context of a Multicultural City in Melbourne, Australia (PhD)

Harris, Tania. Towards a theology of Pentecostal revelatory experiences (PhD)

Henriksson, Carissa. Embracing Vulnerability: A Case Study on Educational Experiences and Social Integration of Migrants and Immigrants in a Swedish School (PhD)

Hepplewhite, Glenda. Empowering female Pentecostal undergraduate students (PhD)

Hovey, Kevin. Guiding Light: Contributions of Alan R. Tippett Toward the Development and Dissemination of Twentieth Century Missiology (PhD)

Jones, David. Foundations for justice in knowledge work: an autoethnographic account of discovering the universal pattern beneath outcome-focused conversations (PhD)

Kakala, Makalofi. Reading Biblical Hebrew Poetry through the lens of Heliaki, a Tongan poetical device (PhD)

Keyhanee, Mousa. An Exercise in Comparative Theology: Light in the Bible and the Qu'ran (MPhil)

Kim, Kon. Studying the Imagery of the Wedding of the Lamb and His Bride in Revelation 19:6–10 (MPhil)

Kruithoff, Uwe. Factors influencing monoethnic churches’ longevity (DMin)

Lim, Young Kyu. 나눔의 신학에 관한 학제융합적 연구 – 성경과 경영,경제에 나타난 나눔의 원리와 사례를 중심으로- (An Interdisciplinary Study on the Theology of Sharing: Focusing on the Principles and Cases of Sharing in the Bible, Business Management and Economics) (Dmin)

Lim, Younghee. 호주 한인 2 세 기독청년의 정체성 개발을 위한 해석학적 기독교교육 모형 : 리쾨르의 서사적 정체성 이론을 중심으로 (Study of Christian Education Paradigm for the Development of the Identity of the 2nd Generation Korean Young Adults in Australia: Focus on the Ricoeur’s Narrative Identity Theory) (PhD)

Lockhart, Emily. The interrelationship between a teacher’s worldview, personal beliefs, and the delivery of the Personal, Social and Community Health Strand of the Western Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum, within secondary schools (PhD)

Madden, Claire. Unlocking the Motivation of Gen Z at Work: An Empirical Approach (PhD)

Naidoo, Jared. Decolonising Jesus: Tinyiko Maluleke’s African Jesus as Suffering Liberator (MPhil)

Odion, Omogbai. The Pentecostal Phenomenon: An Examination of Factors Contributing to the Growth, Expansion, and Influence of Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria from 1998 to 2018 (DMin)

O'Hara, Jesma. An Evaluation of Neighbours Aid: A Case Study of an Australian Social Enterprise Business Raising Funds for Development Projects in the Majority World (DMin)

Park, Young Sun. 한국 이단들의 종말론 비평과 호주 한인 디아스포라를 위한 목회학적 대응방안 연구: ‘구원파’와 ‘신천지’를 중심으로 (A Critique of the Eschatology of the Korean Heresies and a Study on the Pastoral Strategies to Cope with Them for the Korean Diaspora in Australia: Focusing on the Groups, 'Goowonpa' and 'Shincheonji') (Dmin)

Pillay, Jasmine. Integration of Asian Pentecostal migrants into Australian Pentecostal churches (MPhil)

Polley, Nathan. Spiritual development of servant leaders in Aotearoa-New Zealand tertiary education contexts (DMin)

Reid, Stephen. The effectiveness of sports chaplaincy as Christian ministry in Australia (DMin)

Rhodes, John. Divine healing in Australian Christian Churches: a review of contemporary ministerial practice and perspective (DMin)

Seetahal, Kavish. An Exploration Of The Influence Which Governmental And Multilateral Donor Organizations Have On The Poverty Alleviation Methods Of Christian Faith-Based Organizations (PhD)

Aghamiri, Fai Seyed. The Lived Experiences and Wellbeing of Female Partners Following Discovery or Disclosure of their Male Partner’s Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: An Australian Phenomenological Study (PhD)

Shin, Hae Young. 한국교회와 호주 한인교회 회복을 위한 칭의론의 목회적 적용에 대한 연구: 마태와 요한의 ‘의’를 중심으로 (A Study on Pastoral Application of Justification for Restoration of Korean Church & Korean Churches in Australia: Focused on the Righteousness of Matthew and John) (Dmin)

Smith, Susan. Sitting With Melons: A Critical Evaluation Of The Mechanisms By Which Women Exercise Public Sphere Influence In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (PhD)

Sue, Dianne. Women in Isan: How Modernisation is Changing Religious Roles (PhD)

Toh, Leng. Sung Theology: A Comparative Textual Analysis of the Original Song Lyrics of New Creation Church, Singapore, and Those of Hillsong Church, Australia (PhD)

Yoo, Seung Do. 21세기 코즈모폴리터니즘 관점에서 본 공감적 선교 신학 연구 (Research on Cosmopolitanism in the 21st Century and Empathic Mission theology) (PhD)