Aged Care

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EXP505
  • Credit points: 10


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Aged Care

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Assessment Methods

Personal Framework - 30%

Presentation of a chosen issue, therapy or other intervention - 30%

Case Study - 40%

Prescribed Text

Tanner, D. 2010. Managing the Aging Experience, Policy Press, Bristol.

Representative References

Golden, L. 2009. Case Studies in Counselling Older Adults, Pearson, Columbus, Ohio.

Terry,  P. 2008. Counselling and Psychotherapy with Older People: A Psychodynamic Approach 2nd Ed, Palgrave, Basingstroke.

Bennett & Stewart  2009. What can I do?, Hachette, Australia.

Denton, A.  2010. Elders: Interviews with Andrew Denton, ABC Books, Australia.

Erber, J. 2005, Aging and Older Adulthood, Wadsworth, Belmont CA.

Mack, R. 2005. The Basics of Hospital Chaplaincy, Xulon, USA.

Swift, C. 2009. Hospital Chaplaincy in the 21st Century, Ashgate, Farnham.