Apply Christian ethical principles

This unit sets out theological and philosophical bases of ethical decision making.  It provides the skills necessary to model a Christian approach to personal morality and to address church and public ethical issues

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: MINTHE501
  • Credit points: 10



Awards offering Apply Christian ethical principles

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


  1. Evaluate potential outcomes resultant from alternate approaches to Christian ethical decision making
  2. Apply Christian ethical principles to personal morality
    • Document the role of virtue in personal decision making
    • Reflect on the significance of character and apply in own life
    • Explore and apply issues of personal integrity
  3. Apply ethical principles to public issues:
    • Identify ethical issues relating to the vocation of Christian ministry
    • Recognise and evaluate contemporary public ethical issues using an appropriate Christian ethical method
    • Identify appropriate ways for the Church to address public ethical issues in secular society