Rev Dr Ki-Tae Song

Rev Dr Ki-Tae Song

Global Online Program Director

Dr Song started his career as a journalist. He first worked in secular press companies and soon after moved into the Christian media companies. He was the chief editor for the largest Christian magazines in Korea: “Salt and Light” and “Ministry and Theology”. Both magazines were featured in the “This Year Magazine”, a print published by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism under the Korean government. Both magazines were awarded the top prize on many occasions.

During this time he conducted many survey questionnaires and analysed several social trends through a Christian perspective, making objective assessments through statistics. He pioneered this style in Korea, writing dozens of theses and articles.

In 1995, Dr Song immigrated to Australia with his family. Whilst pastoring a Korean congregation he experienced the difficulties of living as a Korean diaspora in Australia as well as the difficulties of pastoral ministry. In an effort to understand and solve these difficulties he started studying counselling and leadership. He took a deep interest in people’s character strengths and focused his research on bringing out people’s dormant character strengths.

Having had significant experience teaching theology in Korea, he started teaching in the Alphacrusis Korean Program from its first opening. During his short time away from Alphacrusis he had taught and directed the Korean program at various other seminaries.

From his beginnings as a journalist until now, for over 30 years, he has consistently contributed to daily, weekly and monthly magazines and newspapers. Through a regular column and essays he publishes his ongoing thoughts. 

He has published 2 books and several dozen articles. 


Doctor of Christian Counselling (Canada Christian College)
Dissertation Title The Influence of Character Strength in Church Community Leadership 2014

M.Com. (Kyung Hee University, Korea) 1991

M.Div. (Sung Kyul University) 1990

BSc (Gyungsang National University) 1982

Current Research

Positive Psychology and Biblical Leadership

Moses' Diaspora Leadership

Jesus’ Paradoxical Leadership

Jesus' Counselling and Mentoring Method

Research Interests

Counselling Ethics and Law

Counseling Ethics and Law: A comparative study of PACFA Code of Ethics, ACA Code of Ethics, CCAA Code of Ethics, AACC Code of Ethics, and Korea Counseling Association Code of Ethics


  • 2018
    • Song, K. T (2018). N Leadership (N=Nehemiah). Christian Press. | AC Link
  • 2006
    • Song, K. T.(2006). Conquering the World with the Holy Spirit. Qumran Press.

Journal Articles

  • 2019
    • Song, K.T.(2019). An Analysis of the Leadership Style in the Diaspora Church through the Lens of Character Strengths - Focus on the Diaspora Church Leaders in Sydney. Journal of The Korean Society of Mission Studies, Vol. 3-2019. 20-64.
  • 2018
    • Song, K. T.(2018). A Study of Biblical Figures and Their Character Strengths through the Lens of Positive Psychology. Text and Context, Vol 4. 57-118.
  • 2016
    • Song, K. T.(2016). Leadership of Small Group Leaders in Christian Communities. Text and Context, Vol 3. 107-148.
  • 2014
    • Song, K. T.(2014). Spiritual Mentoring within the Christian Community. Text and Context, Vol 2, 19-40.


  • 2019
    • An Analysis of the Leadership Style in the Diaspora Church through the Lens of Character Strengths - Focus on the Diaspora Church Leaders in Sydney (2019), The Korean Society of Mission Studies and Alphacrucis College Joint Academic Conference, Sydney, Australia, 24 Jun 2019
    • (with Seo, J.D.) An evaluation of Dr. Jong-Dae Seo "A Study on the Analysis and Criticism of Biblical Counselling" (2019), Biblical Counselling, Sydney, Australia, 21 Feb 2019

Engagement Publications

Book Chapters

  • 2021
    • Song, K.T.(2021). Jesus' Paradoxical Leadership In , Text and Context (pp. ). .

Popular Articles

  • 2017
    • Song, K.T.(2017). Christian leaders interviewed more than 300 people. Monthly Magazine Christian Review, .
  • 2009
    • Song, K.T.(2009). The Report of President Lee Myung-bak to National Visit Australia covering state visit Australia. Christian Review, .
  • 2008
    • Song, K.T.(2008). Along to pathways the real Leadership Principles (175 times). Hanho Daily Newspaper, .
  • 2006
    • Song, K.T.(2006). The Report of President Roh Moo-hyun covering state visit Australia. Christian Review, .
  • 2004
    • Song, K.T.(2004). Korea Christian roots trace-centered ministry of missionaries (19 times). Christian Review, .
  • 2000
    • Song, K.T.(2000). Immigrants from the Bible(100 times). Hoju Donga Daily Newspaper, .

Completed Supervision

  • 2019
    • Jeong, K.R., A Study on Christian Education Plan and Leadership for Senior Pastroal (Masters Project/Thesis)
    • Park, M.K., The Effect of Adolescent Self-Identity on Christian Conversion (Masters Project/Thesis)
  • 2018
    • Kim, S. J., A Study on the Role and Influence of Art Activities on Bible Education in Kindergarten and Childhood (Masters Project/Thesis)
    • Kim, Y.J., The Church's Role in Elderly Mission -Focusing on the Sydney Diaspora Korean Churches (Masters Project/Thesis)
  • 2017
    • Lee, Y. Y., A Study on the Influence of Christian Education on Youth Self-Identity (Masters Project/Thesis)

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