Leadership Principles

What does it take to be a leader? What do leaders do? Are leaders born or made?

This unit will help students to find answers to these questions in the light of contemporary leadership theory and a Christian worldview. 

Students will discover a variety of leadership theories and learn how they apply in different contexts, such as ministry and business.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: LEA201
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Pratima Durga


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Leadership Principles

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This subject provides the student with an understanding of the principles of leadership.


Students should be able to:

  1. Identify personal values, own leadership philosophy, and develop a self-awareness to start the continual process of leadership development.
  2. Develop and build team communication, and problem-solving skills
  3. Demonstrate the ability to explain and critically evaluate different theories and approaches to leadership
  4. Demonstrate and  examine leadership issues pertaining to ethics and the dark side of leadership
  5. Identify, describe and distinguish the key leadership theories and their applications in an organizational setting.

Subject Content

  1. Introduction to Leadership Principles
  2. Nature of Leadership 
  3. Leadership vs Ministry
  4. The Power of Vision, Mission and Values
  5. Personal vs Organisational Leadership
  6. Leadership Traits
  7. The L-Factor
  8. Leadership Skills
  9. Are leaders born or made
  10. Emotional Intelligence
  11. Understanding Leadership Styles
  12. Models, Concepts and Philosophy
  13. Attending to Tasks and Relationships
  14. Leadership Levels
  15. Strengths-Based Leadership
  16. Leadership Development, Succession & Transition
  17. Coaching and Mentoring
  18. The Importance of Leadership for Climate and Culture in Organisations
  19. How Leaders Influence Culture
  20. Diversity and Inclusion
  21. Our-Group Members
  22. Leadership Teams and Boards
  23. Conflict Management
  24. Cross-Cultural Leadership
  25. Personal Leadership & Ethics
  26. Overcoming Obstacles
  27. Destructive Leadership

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Minor Essay (25%)
  • Major Essay (50%)
  • Exam (25%)

Business Students Assessment Methods (applicable to Bachelor of Business (BBus) or BBus Double Degree students only)

For students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (or a BBus Double Degree), the following assessment methods apply:

  • Minor Essay (25%)
  • Minor Essay (25%)
  • Exam (50%)


Prescribed Text

  • Northouse, P.G. (2020).  Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practices (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
  • Jagelman, I. (2013). The L Factor - Identifying and Developing Christian Leaders (2nd ed.). Sydney: The Jagelman Institute.     
  • Jagelman, I. (1998). The Empowered Church: Releasing ministry through effective leadership. Adelaide: Openbook.

Please consult your instructor before purchasing any textbooks