Paul Oslington joined Alphacrucis in January 2013, and was inaugural Dean of the Faculty of Business and PhD Program Director. Previously he held a Chair jointly in the School of Business and School of Theology at Australian Catholic University from 2008-2013, and Associate Professor of Economics at University of New South Wales.He held visiting positions at University of Oxford in 1999, University of British Columbia and Regent College Vancouver in 2003, Princeton Theological Seminary and University in 2006-2007, and the Center of Theological Inquiry Princeton in 2020.
Paul is a member of the Theology and Society research cluster.
DTheol (University of Divinity)
Dissertation Title Political Economy as Natural Theology
PhD (University of Sydney)
Dissertation Title Unemployment in an Open Economy.
MEc (Hons) (University of Sydney)
Dissertation Title Causality in Economics: The Hermeneutic Contribution of Max Weber
BD (University of Divinity) 1992
BEc (Macquarie University) 1986
Research Interests
International trade and labour markets,
History of economic thought,
Relationships between economics and Christian theology.
Paul is happy to supervise PhD projects in his research areas.
- Oslington, P (2018). Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith, Malthus and their Followers. Routledge. | External link
- Viner, J., Oslington, P. (2014). The Customs Union Issue. Oxford University Press. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2007). The Theory of International Trade and Unemployment. Edward Elgar Publishing. | External link
- Oslington, Paul (2003). Economics and Religion. (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics.). Edward Elgar Publishing. | AC Link
Book Chapters
- Oslington, P; Hart, D. (2023). "Smith, the Scottish Enlightenment and Beyond" In Oslington, P; Hart, D., Adam Smith and Why he Matters Today. Essays on the Relevance of Smith after 300 Years (pp. ). Centre for Independent Studies. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2023). Why Is the Conversation between Theologians and Economists So Difficult? In Piet Naude and Michael Welker, The Impact of Political Economy on Character Formation, Ethical Education and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (pp. ). Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Heidelberg.
- Oslington, P; Hart, D. (2023). Smith and Rent Seeking in Australia In Oslington, P; Hart, D., Adam Smith and Why he Matters Today. Essays on the Relevance of Smith after 300 Years (pp. ). Centre for Independent Studies. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2022). Economics In edited by Brendan Wolfe, St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology (pp. ). . | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Understanding Economic Impacts on Virtue and the Pursuit of Goods In Jurgen Von Hagen, Michael Welker, John Witte and Stephen Pickard, The Impact of the Economic Market on Character Formation, Ethical Education and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (pp. 93-112). Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Oslington, Paul (2020). Adam Smith's Economics of the Church In S. Schwarzkopf, Routledge Companion to Economic Theology (pp. 322-30). . | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2019). Competition Policy in Higher Education In William Coleman, Campus Meltdown: The Deepening Crisis in Australian Universities (pp. 273-84). Connor Court. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2011). Divine Action, Providence and Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand In , Adam Smith as Theologian (pp. ). Routledge.
- Oslington, P (2011). The Engagement of Caritas in Veritate with Economics In , Globalization and the Church: Reflections on Caritas in Veritate (pp. ). St Paul's Books.
- Oslington, P. (2008). Christianity's Post-Enlightenment Contribution to Economic Thought In Harper I. and Gregg, S., Christian Morality and Market Economies: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 60-76). Edward Elgar Publishing. | External link
- Oslington, P (2002). Economic and Theological Implications of the Contracting-Out of Welfare and Labour Market Services In Brian Howe, Churches and Markets (pp. 13-51). Australian Theological Forum.
- Oslington, P (1999). Islamic Economics In B.Dahiya, Jan Tinbergen, The Current State of Economic Science (pp. ). Institute of Development Planning.
Journal Articles
- Oslington, P (2024). What Does the Bible say About Economics?. Faith and Economics, 82 7-39. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2024). Reception History and the Historiography of Economics. History of Economics Review, 86. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2023). Alasdair MacIntyre and Adam Smith on Markets, Virtues and Ends. Business Ethics, . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2023). Is Alasdair MacIntyre Right that Aristotelian-Thomist Natural Law Ethics is Incompatible with Capitalism and Economics. Faith and Economics, 2023. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2022). Teaching Economics and Theology in Australia. Faith and Economics, 79 53-68. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2022). Australian Secularism, Religious Not-for-Profits and Higher Education: Connections and Gaps. Lucas: An Evangelical History Review, 19 133-52. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: A Review Essay. Journal of Markets and Morality, 24/2 247-62.. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (with B. Freyens) (2021). The Impact of Unfair Dismissal Regulation: Evidence from an Australian Natural Experiment.. Labour, 35/2 264-90. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Radical Orthodoxy Encounters Economics: Deeper Engagement Needed. Journal of Markets and Morality Symposium, 24/1 195-205 and 213-15. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Free Factor Unemployment. Economia Internazionale, 74/2 225-44. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). The Kuyperian Dream of Reconstructing Economics on Christian Foundations. Faith and Economics, 75 7–36. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). The Economic Benefits of Australian Theological Education. Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, 52/1 7-33. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). A Natural Law Framework for Economists. Academy of Management Proceedings, September. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Economics and Biblical Studies. Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies, . | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Providence and the Invisible Hand: Comments on Van der Kooi and Ballor. Journal of Economics, Theology and Religion, 1/1 109-112.
- Oslington, P (2020). What is an Australian Job Worth?. Australian Economic Review, 53/4 482-93. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). What Does the Next Generation of Christian Not-for-Profit Leaders Need?. Third Sector Review, 26/1 163-174. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2019). The New View of Adam Smith in Context. History of Economics Review, 71/1 118-31.. | AC Link
- Oslington, P, Jensen, N and Ryan, I (2019). Enhancing the Evidence Base for Australian Theological Research. Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, 51/1 1-20. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2018). "Comments on Alex Millmow’s History of Australasian Economics." Contribution to Symposium. History of Economics Review, 69 62-64. | External link
- Oslington, P (2017). “Readings for Christian Economists.” Contribution to Symposium. Faith and Economics, 70 Fall 57-59. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2017). Anglican Social Thought and the Shaping of Political Economy in Britain: Joseph Butler, Josiah Tucker, William Paley and Edmund Burke. History of Economics Review, 66/2 26-45. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2017). Natural Theology, Theodicy and Political Economy in 19th Century Britain: William Whewell’s Struggle. History of Political Economy, 49/4 575-606. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2016). “Equality, Rhetoric, and the Big Questions.” Contribution to Symposium on Bourgeoisie Equality: How Ideas not Capital or Institutions Enriched the World by Deirdre McCloskey. Faith and Economics, 68 Fall 35-39. | External link
- Oslington, P; Bruni, L; & Zamagni, S (2016). Introduction to Special Issue on Economics and Theology. International Review of Economics, 63/1 1-5.
- Oslington, P. (2016). Economics and Biblical Studies. , . | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2015). Sacred and Secular in Australian Social Services. Pacifica, 28/1 79-93. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2014). “Comments on The History of Economic Thought: A Double Lament” Contribution to Symposium. History of Economics Review, 60 6-8.
- Oslington, P (2013). “Contextual History, Practitioner History and Classic Status: Reading Jacob Viner’s The Customs Union Issue”. Journal of the History of the Economic Thought, 35/4 491-515. | AC Link
- Oslington, P and Freyens, B (2013). “A First Look at Incidence and Outcomes of Unfair Dismissal Claims under Fair Work, Work Choices and the Workplace Relations Act.”. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 16/2 295-306. | AC Link
- Oslington, P and Coleman, W (2012). Introduction to Economic Society of Australia Conference Special Issue. Economic Record, 88/1.
- Oslington, P. (2012). God and the Market: Adam Smith's Invisible Hand. Journal of Business Ethics, 108/4 429-438. | External link
- Ormerod, N. and Oslington, P and Koning, R (2012). Bernard Lonergan and the Development of Catholic Social Teaching on Economics. Theological Studies, 73 June 391-421. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2012). Jacob Viner, the Cost of Protection and Customs Unions: New Light from a Manitoba Consulting Assignment. History of Economics Review, 55 Winter 73-79. | External link
- Oslington, P (2011). Economic Journalism in Australia: Introduction to Symposium. Economic Papers, 30/4 431.
- Oslington, P. (2011). Lonergan's Reception among Economists: Tale of a Dead Fish and an Agenda f or Future Work. Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, New Series 2/1 67-78. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2011). Caritas in Veritate and the Market Economy: How do we Reconcile Traditional Christian Ethics with Economic Analysis of Social Systems?. Journal of Markets and Morality, 14/2 359-71. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2011). The Future Hope in Adam Smith’s System. Studies in Christian Ethics, 24/3 1-21. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2011). What do Economists and Theologians Have to Say to Each Other?. Faith and Economics, Fall 1-30. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2011). Popes and Markets. Policy: a journal of public policy and ideas, 26/4 31-35. | External link
- Oslington, P and Heaton, C (2010). Micro vs Macro Explanations of Post-War US Unemployment Movements. Economics Letters, 106 87-91. | AC Link
- Towers, I. and Oslington, P. (2010). Trade, Migration and Inequality in a World without Factor Price Equalisation. Review of International Economics, 18/4 650-62. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2009). Deus Economicus" Published with comments by Anthony Kelly and Neil Ormerod" A Conversation on Paul Oslington's Deus Economicus. Australian e-Journal of Theology, . | External link
- Oslington, P. (2009). Whither Christian Economics? Further Reflections in the Light of a Conference: The Future of Economics and Theology as an Interdisciplinary Research Field. Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 3 1-7. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2009). Religious Perspectives on the Financial Crisis. The American Economist, Spring 28-30. | External link
- Towers, I. and Oslington, P. (2009). Pushing Economies - and Students - Outside the Factor Price Equalisation Zone. Journal of Economic Education, 40/4 422-33. | External link
- Freyens, B. and Oslington, P. (2008). Dismissal Costs and their Impact on Employment: Evidence from Australian Small and Medium Enterprises. Economic Record, 83/260 1-15. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2008). Public Theology: Some Measures and Australian Reflections. Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, 40/2 183-93. | External link
- Oslington, P and Freyens, B (2005). The Likely Employment Impact of Removing Unfair Dismissal Protection. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 55 56-65.
- Oslington, P. (2005). Natural Theology as an Integrative Framework for Theology and Economics. St Marks Review, 20-31. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2005). Incentives in On-Line Education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 27/1 97-104. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2005). Unemployment and Trade Liberalisation. World Economy, August 1139-55. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2005). Ethics Education and Research at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Australian Defence Journal, 167 82-83. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2005). Contracting-Out of Assistance to the Unemployed: Implications of the Australian Experiment. Economic Record, 81/252. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2004). The Impact of Uncertainty and Irreversibility on Investments in On-Line Learning. Distance Education, 25/2 233-42. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2003). Why Ethics Committees are Unethical. Agenda, 10/2 185-191. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2003). Editorial Introduction: The Job Network. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 6/2 195-8.
- Oslington, P and Heaton, C (2002). The Contribution of Structural Shocks to Australian Unemployment. Economic Record, 78/243 433-442. | AC Link
- Heaton, C. and Oslington, P. (2002). How Much Unemployment is Structural?. Economic Record, . | External link
- Oslington, P. (2002). Factor Market Linkages in a Global Economy. Economics Letters, 76/1 85-93. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2002). Teaching Economics Historically. History of Economics Review, 36 160-164. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2002). Trade, Wages and Unemployment in the Presence of Hiring and Firing Costs. Economic Record, 78/241 195-206. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2001). An Australian Model - Non Traded Goods, Real Exchange Rates and Unemployment. Australian Economic Papers, 40/3 334-351. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2001). Nassau Senior, John Henry Newman and the Separation of Political Economy from Theology in the Nineteenth Century. History of Political Economy, 33/4 825-42. | External link
- Oslington, P. (2001). Migration, Jobs and Welfare: A General Equilibrium Analysis. Pacific Economic Review, 6/3 331-344. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2000). Factor Price Equalisation and Trade Patterns with Unemployment. Journal of Economic Integration, 15/1 127-44.
- Oslington, P. (2000). Japanese Contributions to the Theory of International Trade. Japanese Economic Review, 51/3 334-348. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2000). A Theological Economics. International Journal of Social Economics, 27/1 32-44. | External link
- Oslington, P. (1999). Duality and the Specific Factors Model. Economia Internazionale, 52/3 373-382.
- Oslington, P. (1999). Christian Theology and Economic Theory: A Reading Guide. , . | External link
- Oslington, P. (1998). Australian Immigration Policy and Unemployment. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 2/2 91-104.
- Oslington, P (1997). Development Economics and Classical Economics. South African Journal of Economics, 65/1 114-129.
- Oslington, P (1996). Technological Change and Development Theory. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 31/2 55-63.
- Oslington, P (1995). Economic Thought and Religious Thought: Al Ghazali. History of Political Economy, 27/4 775-780. | AC Link
- Oslington, P and Hawtrey, K (1995). Some Questions on the Relationship between Economics and Christianity. History of Economics Review, 24 87-94.
- Oslington, P (1993). History of Development Economics. Pakistan Development Review, 32/4 631-636.
Edited Books
- Oslington, P; Hirschfeld, M; and Williams, P (eds.) (2018). Recent Developments in Economics and Religion. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2014). Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics.. | External link
- Oslington, P. (ed) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics. | External link
- Ormerod, N. and Oslington, P. (eds.) (2011). Globalization and the Church: Reflections on Caritas in Veritate. | External link
- Oslington, P. (ed) (2011). Adam Smith as Theologian. | External link
- Oslington, P. (Ed) (2003). Economics and Religion (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics). | External link | AC Link
Internal and External Grants
- AC Conference Funding, $2000, AC
- AC Conference Funding, $2000, Alphacrucis University College
- AC Conference Funding, $1000, Alphacrucis University College
- Faith, Work and Economics, $10300, The Different Co., Melbourne
- International Travel Grant, $2000, Alphacrucis University College
- History of Macquarie Christian Studies Institute, $7500, Australian Research Theology Foundation
- Economic Benefits of Australian Theological Research and Education, $20000, Australian Research Theology Foundation, plus matching funding
- Reventure Karam Fellowship, $10000, -
- Leadership in Christian Not-for-Profit Organisations, $30000, Genesis Foundation
- Strengthening the Evidence Base for Australian Theological Research, $9500, Australian Research Theology Foundation, plus matching funding from participating universities and colleges
- Economics and Theology, $5000, Acton Institute
- The Place of Theology within the Australian Research Policy Framework, $16000, Australian Research Theology Foundation, plus matching funding from other organisations
- The Transdisciplinary Vision of Bernard Lonergan: Theology, Economics and Finance, $30000, Metanexus/Templeton Foundation (with Professor Neil Ormerod, Australian Catholic University)
- Economics and Religion, $256000, Templeton Foundation
- The Impact of Dismissal Costs on Labour Markets, $5000, Australian Catholic University, School of Business, Research Grant
- Economics as Natural Theology, $4580, Earhart Foundation
- International Trade, $2000, Friends of Princeton University Library Grant
- Economics and Religion, $60000, Metanexus/Templeton Foundation LSI Grant (with Professor Geoff Brennan ANU and Associate Professor Stephen Pickard St Marks National Theological Centre) to set up a Religion and Economics Dialogue Group
- Economics and Religion, $5000, University of New South Wales Research Grant
- Ethics Research Network, $22000, University of New South Wales Strategic Research Initiative Grant (plus contributions from the Australian Defence College and the Australian Research Council Special Research Centre for Applied and Professional Ethics)
- Impact of Hiring and Firing Costs on Wages and Unemployment, $107000, Australian Research Council Discovery Grant
- Development and Management Issues in On-Line Learning, $10000, Universitas 21 Fellowship
- International Trade, $1300, Duke University Economists Papers Project
- Natural Theology and Political Economy, $1300, Ian Potter Foundation
- Theological Perspectives on Economics, $10000, CTNS/Templeton Foundation Course Award
- Impact of Hiring and Firing Costs on Wages and Employment, $12000, University of New South Wales URSP Grant (previously ARC Small Grants)
- Japanese Contributions to the Theory of International Trade, $2000, Toyota Finance Research Fellowship
- The Economic Benefits of Australian Theological Education (2020), AC Research Colloquium, Online, 24 Sep 2020
- A Natural Law Framework for Economists (2020), Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver / Online, 11 Aug 2020
- The Economics and Theology of Inequality (2020), Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton NJ, 24 Feb 2020
- The Economics and Theology of Inequality (2020), Society of Christian Ethics, Washington DC, 09 Jan 2020
- Adam Smith on Religion (2020), ACE session, American Economic Association,, San Diego, 04 Jan 2020
- The New View of Adam Smith (2019), HETSA conference, Sydney, 14 Nov 2019
- A Natural Law Framework for Human Action (2019), Transforming Work conference, Morling College, Sydney, 01 Jul 2019
- Oxford Handbook of Economics and Christianity; and “Aristotelian Theories of Action: A Richer and Analytically Tractable Alternative for Economists?” (2014), Association for Religion, Economics and Culture, Orange, USA, 21 Mar 2014
- Religion and Australian Universities: A Tale of Horror and Hope (2014), The Centre for Independent Studies, The Centre for Independent Studies, 11 Mar 2014
- (with Professor Paul Williams) Christianity and the Political Economy of Capitalism (2013), INDS583 Christianity and the Political Economy of Capitalism, Regent College Summer School, 01 Jan 2013
Engagement Publications
- Oslington, P (1998). A Maths Primer for Students of Economics, Commerce and Business Administration. Addison Wesley Longman. | External link
Journal Articles
- Oslington, P (2020). Why are so Many Philosophers and Theologians Hostile to Economics?. Public Discourse, 28 July.
- Oslington, P (2018). “Whewell on Political Economy and Christian Theology: An Important but Neglected Sermon.” Introduction to a transcription (with Simon Ravenscroft, University of Cambridge) of a previously unpublished text.. UK Association of Christian Economists Discussion Papers, .
- Oslington, P (with C.Gan, M.Cartwright, M.Pepper, N.Hancock, and R.Powell) (2018). Faith and Finances: Practices and Attitudes in Australian Churches. , .
- Oslington, P (2009). “Whither Christian Economics? Further Reflections in the Light of a Conference “The Future of Economics and Theology as an Interdisciplinary Research Field”. Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 3 1-7.
- Oslington, P (2005). “A Rational Choice Model of Divine Action”. Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 35 25-32.
Book Reviews
- Oslington, P (2022). Rigged. How Networks of Powerful Mates Rip Off Everyday Australians by Cameron Murray and Paul Frijters. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, .
- Oslington, P (2021). On Life's Lottery by Glyn Davis. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Why We Feed Economists: A Review of The Great Covid Panic by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker. Australasian Pentecostal Studies., . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Review of Exiles on Mission by Paul Williams. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism by K.Tanner - Book Review. Colloquium, . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Review of Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy by Mary Hirschfeld. History of Political Economy, 52/2 399-403.. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Review of Hume: A Philosopher’s Economist by Margaret Schabas and Carl Wennerlind. History of Economics Review, September. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Review of A Larger Hope? By Ilaria Ramelli and Robin Parry. , . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2019). "Beginnings: Interrogating Hauerwas - Book Review". Theology Today, .
- Oslington, P (2019). "Time of Troubles by R.Boer and C.Peterson - Book Review". Australasian Pentecostal Studies, .
- Oslington, P (2019). Workship: How to Use Your Work to Worship God by Kara Martin - Book Review. Australian Pentecostal Studies, .
- Oslington, P (2018). "Just Capitalism: A Christian Ethic of Economic Globalisation by B.Waters - Book Review". Studies in Christian Ethics, 31/2 260-263.
- Oslington, P (2018). "Faithonomics: Religion and the Free Market by by Torkel Brekke - Book Review". Journal of Markets and Morality, 20/2 363-364.
- Oslington, P (2018). "The Origins of Neoliberalism: Modeling the Economy from Jesus to Foucault by D.Leshem - Book Review". Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 40/1 146-148.
- Oslington, P (2017). "Idols of Nations and Sacred Economy by R,Boer et al - Book Review". Australian Pentecostal Studies, 19 129-141.
- Oslington, P (2017). "Australian Religious Thought by w.Hudson- Book Review". Australian Pentecostal Studies, 19 129-129.
- Oslington, P (2014). "Sydney Anglicans - Book Review". Zadok Perspectives, .
- Oslington, P (2014). "Taking God to School by M.Maddox - Book Review". Australian Pentecostal Studies, 16.
- Oslington, P (2013). "Reckoning with Markets: Moral Reflection in Economics - Book Review". Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 351 127-129.
- Oslington, P (2013). "A Short History of Global Evangelicalism - Book Review". Australian Pentecostal Studies, 15.
- Oslington, P (2013). "Gittins Gospel - Book Review". Centre for Public Christianity, .
- Oslington, P (2012). Market Complicity and Christian Ethics by A Barrera - Book Review. International Journal of Social Economics, 39/6 449-450.
- Oslington, P (2012). "General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence by Tony Bryant - Book Review". Economic Record, .
- Oslington, P (2011). "Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World by McCloskey - Book Review". Faith and Economics, 57 Spring 60-64.
- Oslington, P (2011). "Political Economy Now!: The Struggle for Alternative Economics at the University of Sydney - Book Review". Policy, 27/1 63-64.
- Oslington, P (2011). "Educating for Business, Public Service and the Social Sciences: A History of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Sydney - Book Review". Policy, 27/1 63-64.
- Oslington, P (2011). "Economics for Life by Ian Harper - Book Review". Policy, 27/3 58-60.
- Oslington, P (2010). "Keeping Faith, Losing Faith - History of Political Economy Annual Conference by Bateman and Banzaf - Book Review". Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 32/2 290-292.
- Oslington, P (2009). "Adam’s Fallacy: A Guide to Economic Theology by D,Foley - Book Review". Economic Record, 85/268 112-114.
- Oslington, P (2009). "Are Economists Basically Immoral? by Paul Heyne - Book Review". Policy, 25/2 53-56.
- Oslington, P (2008). "Remembering Esperanza: a Cultural-Political Theology for North American Praxis and Religion, Politics and the Christian Right - Book Review". Insights, .
- Oslington, P (2007). "Bourgeois Virtues by McCloskey - Book Review". Faith and Economics, 50 132-136.
- Oslington, P (2006). "Theology and Globalisation - Book Review". Insights, 16/5 27.
- Oslington, P (2005). "Economic Theory and Christian Belief - Book Review". Economic Record, 81/253 187-188.
- Oslington, P (2005). "After the Market? - Book Review". Journal of Markets and Morality, 8/1 125-126.
- Oslington, P (2004). "Economics as Religion by Nelson - Book Review". Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 34 27-28.
- Oslington, P (2004). "Cash Values by Craig Gay - Book Review". Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 33 25-26.
- Oslington, P (2003). "How to Argue with an Economist - Book Review". Zadok Perspectives, 80 25-26.
- Oslington, P (2003). "Making of Modern Economics - Book Review'. Economic Record, 79/246 387.
- Oslington, P (2003). "Economic Thinking for Theologically Minded by s.Gregg - Book Review". St Marks Review, 193/2 48-49.
- Oslington, P (2002). "Christianity and the Culture of Economics - Book Review". Association of Christian Economists UK Journal, 31 44-46.
- Oslington, P (2001). "Divine Economy - Book Review". Markets and Morality, 4/1 Spring 136-141.
- Oslington, P (2000). "Economics, Ethics and Religion - Book Review". International Journal of Social Economics, 27/1 86-87.
- Oslington, P (2000). "Religion and Economics - Book Review". International Journal of Social Economics, 27/12 1280-1282.
- Oslington, P (2000). "Development of the Theory of Exchange and History of Economic Analysis - Book Review". Economic Record, 76/235 421-422.
- Oslington, P (1998). "Further Literature on Dynamic Optimisation - Book Review". Economic Record, 74/226 313-314.
- Oslington, P (1998). "Great Expectations: Microeconomic Reform and Australia - Book Review". Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 3/1 107-109.
- Oslington, P (1998). "Economics and Moral Philosophy - Book Review". History of Political Economy, 30/1 165-166.
- Oslington, P (1997). "Finishing School for Blokes - Book Review". Zadok Perspectives, Winter 24.
- Oslington, P (1996). "Competing Gospels: Public Theology and Economic Theory - Book Review". Economic Record, 72/217 176-177.
- Oslington, P (1995). "Recent Literature on Dynamic Optimisation - Book Review". Economic Record, 71/213 206.
- Oslington, P (1994). "The Political Economy of Development - Book Review". Indian Economic Review, 38/2 247-259.
Popular Articles
- Oslington, P (2023). Writing the History of Macquarie Christian Studies Institute. Equip Magazine, May 202320-22. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2023). Professional Ethics for Economists. Economic Society of Australia NSW Branch Newsletter,, December 2023.
- Oslington, P (2023). What has Theology to do with Economics?. ACC&C Engage Magazine, 12, 2023.
- Oslington, P (2023). Tap the power of faith-based colleges to transform higher education. The Australian, October 2023. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2023). Adam Smith on Usury: Pragmatism over Ideology. National Review, August 2023. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2022). Five Dysfunctions of Academic Governance - and what to do about them. , August. | AC Link
- Oslington, P. (2022). Theology is a successful, highly industry engaged field of study. The Australian, . | External link
- Oslington, P (2022). Faith in Philanthropy. Philanthropy Weekly, July, 2022.
- Oslington, P (2022). Broadening the Higher Education Conversation. Quadrant, May 2022. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Heidegger Gets Theology Right. Crucis, .
- Oslington, P (2021). Six Classroom Tips for Integrating Christian Faith with Other Subjects.. Eternity News, . | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2021). Book Reviews as a Spiritual Discipline. Crucis, .
- Oslington, P (2021). Speculations on the Future of Australian Theological Education. , October. | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). Investors, Not Students, Should Bear the Vast Upfront Costs of US Tuition.”. Times Higher Education, June.
- Oslington, P (2020). Independent Higher Education Should Not Be Excluded from Research Funding.. The Australian, 7 October. | External link | AC Link
- Oslington, P (2020). “How Will We Wean Ourselves off Coronavirus Job Subsidies?”. Times Higher Education, September.
- Oslington, P (2020). Time for Some Genuine Competition in the University Sector. Australian Financial Review, 14 September. | External link
- Oslington, P (2020). Religion and theology degrees are a good community investment. The Australian, 27 July.
- Oslington, P (2020). Why Australian Universities Rankings Success Might Be Bad News for Australia.. Quadrant, November.
- Oslington, Paul (2019). Against Research Ethics Committees. Quillette, . | External link
- Oslington, P (2019). A Light in the Marketplace. ACC E-Magazine, March36. | External link
- Oslington, P (2019). “Who will win the Nobel Prize?”. Economic Society Newsletter, October.
- Oslington, P (2019). The Leadership Gap: Sharp Suited MBA or Incompetent Minister. Australian Financial Review, 18 March 2019. | External link
- Oslington, Paul (2019). University Residential Colleges Are Part of the Mix for a Renewal of Moral and Intellectual Leadership in Australia. Campus Review, October. | External link
- Oslington, P (2019). What Would a Gonski for Higher Education Look Like?. Australian Financial Review, .
- Oslington, P (2019). Turning around the inequities of higher education. Australian Financial Review, 26 August. | External link
- Oslington, P (2018). Two Cheers for the Prosperity Gospel. Eternity, .
- Oslington, P (2018). “Older Universities Set Standards that Curb Competition”. The Australian, 11 July.
- Oslington, P (2018). Private universities – it's almost impossible to create a new one in Australia. Australian Financial Review, 24 June. | External link
- Oslington, P (2018). Three Big Challenges for Christian Schools. Centre for Future Schooling, 4 September 2018. | External link
- Oslington, P (2018). The Financial Advice Nightmare. Crucis, 8 June. | External link
- Oslington, P (2018). The Economic Value of Higher Education. The Australian, 22 August.
- Oslington, P (2018). Three Big Challenges for Christian Schools. Eternity, September7. | External link
- Oslington, P (2017). “Beware Bloated Rent-seekers who take Students for a Ride”. The Australian, 8 November.
- Oslington, P (2016). “Reflections on Competition in Theological Education.”. Crucis, August.
- Oslington, P (2016). "Pushing Back Against Politicisation of Economic Modelling”. The Conversation, March.
- Oslington, P (2016). “How Pentecostalism Replaced Sydney Anglicanism as the New Normal in Sydney”. ABC Religion & Ethics, September.
- Oslington, P (2015). “Christian Universities: Why Professor Judge may be Right and Wrong”. Crucis, March.
- Oslington, P (2015). “For Real Clarity, Let Unis Sell Student Debt”. Australian Financial Review, 9 November12.
- Eternity (2015). “Christian Higher Education in Australia”. Eternity, 19.
- Oslington, P (2015). “Thinking the Unthinkable: What Happens if a Public University Goes to the Wall?”. Campus Review, January.
- Oslington, P (2014). “Advanced Degrees in Condescension”. Quadrant Online, October.
- Oslington, P (2014). “Competition means Productivity in Higher Education”. The Conversation, September.
- Oslington, P (2014). “Advanced Degrees in Condescension”. The Australian High Wired, October.
- Oslington, P (2014). “Where is God when the Economy Collapses? Rethinking Economic Theodicy”. ABC Religion and Ethics, 3 January.
- Oslington, P (2014). “Religion and Australian Universities: Tales of Horror and Hope”. The Conversation, 16 February.
- Oslington, P (2013). “The Approaching University Degree Bubble”. Quadrant, 49150-52.
- Oslington, P (2013). “Economics from the Perspective of Eternity: The Theology of Adam Smith.”. ABC Religion and Ethics, 21 February.
- Oslington, P (2013). “Decent Colleges will Provide Competition for Unis”. Australian Financial Review, 30 September.
- Oslington, P (2013). “Regional Trade Agreements don't always Promote Free Trade”. The Australian, 18 December.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Adam Smith on the Economics of Religion”. Society for the Study of Early Christianity Newsletter, Macquarie University, September.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Fair Work whingers may have a point, but they haven't proved it yet”. Sydney Morning Herald, 30 July.
- Oslington, P (2012). “More to Nobel Prize than Economics”. Australian Financial Review, 15 October.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Surge in Unfair Dismissal Claims”. Australian Financial Review, 13 MarchThis article was featured in another front page article that day, and the editorial the following day.. | External link
- Oslington, P (2012). “Social Justice Arguments Against Dismissal Regulation”. Eureka Street, 19 March.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Keep Christian Social Service Delivery Christian”. ABC Religion and Ethics, 23 March.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Without the right incentives, social benefit bonds can leave us in a bind”. The Conversation, 3 September.
- Oslington, P (2012). “Fewer Lawyers and Less Balance Means Better Public Policy”. The Australian, 10 August.
- Oslington, P (2011). “Unfair Dismissal Rules Need Scrutiny”. Australian Financial Review, 23 August. | External link
- Oslington, P (2011). “Adam Smith, Economics and Christian Hope”. ABC Religion and Ethics, 12 June.
- Oslington, P (2011). “Newman, Theology and Business after the Financial Crisis”. ABC Religion and Ethics, February.
- Oslington, P (2010). “Pope Benedict’s Greed-Free Capitalism”. Eureka Street, July.
- Oslington, P (2010). “Vaticanomics”. ABC Religion and Ethics, 29 October.
- Oslington, P (2010). “To Be Fair”. Australian Financial Review: Economics Briefing, 11 April.
- Oslington, P. (2009). Recovering the Theological Roots of Economics. Debate Magazine, March22-25. | External link
- Oslington, P (2009). “Economics, Theology and the Financial Crisis”. Pipeline, March.
- Oslington, P (2008). “Economics, Theology and the Financial Crisis”. ABC Unleashed, 21 October.
- Oslington, P (2004). “Why Economics Matters”. CASE (New College, NSW), 517-18.
- Oslington, P (2003). “Economics and Theology Mesh in Australia”. Research News in Science and Theology, MArch14-34.
- Oslington, P (1997). “Issues in Teaching Comparative Advantage”. Economics, 32/317-18.
- Oslington, P (1996). “Role of a Text in Teaching and Learning”. Economics and Business Education, 91.
Other Publications
- Oslington, P (1999). "Christian Theology and Economic Theory: A Reading Guide".
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Religion (since None)
American Economic Association (since None)
Association of Christian Economists (since None)
Australian Institute of Company Directors (since None)
Economic Society of Australia (since None)
History of Economic Thought Society of Australia (since None)
Society of Christian Scholars (since None)
Current Supervision
- Leger, M, Culture and meaning in the internationalisation of Hillsong Church (PhD thesis)
- Asnicar, P, The Church as a Learning Community: Communal learning and inquiry as locally embodied expression of the gospel (PhD thesis)
- Magnussen, C, Paul Tillich and the Idea of Context in Modern Theology (MPhil thesis)
Completed Supervision
- Hynd, D., Church and Church-related Agencies Engagement with the Federal Government in Service Deliver (Doctoral Thesis)
- White, C., Economics and Theology of Competition (Doctoral Thesis)
- Yang, Y.S., Economics and Theology of Salvation: Adam Smith and GWF Hegel (Doctoral Thesis)
- Freyens, B., Hiring and Firing Costs in Australia: Levels, Structure, Impact and Policy (Doctoral Thesis)
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