Curriculum Studies – Business Studies

This subject builds on previous knowledge of key theoretical and pedagogical perspectives and issues in the teaching of CRS450 Curriculum Studies – Commerce and related curriculum. It encourages critical engagement with models of pedagogy necessary to teach NESA Business Studies Stage 6 Syllabus and provides the opportunity to understand the various discourses that inform teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practice.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS550
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Curriculum Studies – Business Studies

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This subject builds on previous knowledge of key theoretical and pedagogical perspectives and issues in the teaching of CRS450 Curriculum Studies – Commerce and related curriculum. It encourages critical engagement with models of pedagogy necessary to teach NESA Business Studies Stage 6 Syllabus and provides the opportunity to understand the various discourses that inform teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practice. This subject prepares the pre-service teachers to teach Years 11-12 students with a focus on the application the hypothetical knowledge to contemporary business issues in Australia and globally from a Christian worldview.


  1. Develop an online activity linking the study of NESA Business Studies with the wider goals of society within an authentic worldview perspective;
  2. Critically evaluate learning and teaching resources for NESA Business Studies Year 11-12;
  3. Compare and contrast a range of teaching approaches, including the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in ways that align with pedagogical intentions;
  4. Justify assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgments of student learning;
  5. Design learning and teaching activities consistent with the syllabus requirements, models of pedagogy (inquiry and direct instruction) and the principles and practices underpinning learning and teaching in Stage 6, Business Studies, Years 11 - 12 to produce learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners;
  6. Create lesson plans that fit within the Stage 6 program demonstrating concept development, skills development and deep knowledge and understanding.

Subject Content

  1. Introduce students to the role operations management, processes (inputs and outputs), factors influencing it and effective strategies in large business;
  2. To recognise the importance of finance, its objectives, reporting, transaction risks and factors affecting it in Australia and global markets;
  3. Examine human resource effectiveness and marketing skills in domestic and international business;
  4. Illustrate the business skills and management strategies through contemporary and hypothetical cases, globally and domestically and from a Christian viewpoint;
  5. Integrate the current Australian and sate curriculum, assessment, diagnosis and reporting with each lesson plan. Organise the Business Management content into units, modules, thematic lessons and structure in to coherent mode of delivery;
  6. Business Management Curriculum years 11-12 should outline the current business approaches, practices and case studies based on Australia and other countries. It should benefit students when they pursue further education, training, employment and active participation as citizens;
  7. Applying different teaching strategies like thematic, project or topic based approaches, using a more context focused delivery, discussions, debates, lectures and interactive workshops, readings, assessment tasks, a series of in-class conference sessions, demonstration, explicit teaching and discussion of current approaches, student centred learning, individual and collaborative peer teaching, use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Professional Experience will be taken in to account;
  8. Organise opportunities to connect and build on related economic/business content with the knowledge and skills that students develop in other learning areas such as: Civics, Humanities and Social Sciences, History, Geography, Citizenship, Health and Technologies;
  9. Focus the sociocultural factors in learning; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education contexts, ESL Learners, Multicultural Education Aide (MEA), Learning and Intellectual Disabilities, the 9 NHPA’s areas, Behavioural Management approaches, inquisitive environment and development of positive relationship with students;
  10. Specific workplace skills, legal and statutory responsibilities, personal wellbeing and safety, safe workplace practices and work literacy; Professional liability, ethics, supervision and management; child protection government requirements, interagency roles, responsibilities should be focused on by the trainee teacher. Being a part of professional learning community is helpful.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Intensive
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Case Study (35%)
  2. Professional e-Portfolio (30%)
  3. Assessing a Unit of Work (35%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references