Introduction to Academic Writing and Research

Note: This subject has been replaced by EDU108 - Introduction to Academic Writing and Professional Communication.


The aim of this subject is to prepare Teacher Education Students to develop the skills required for effective study at undergraduate level.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU105
  • Credit points: 10



Awards offering Introduction to Academic Writing and Research

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

The aim of this subject is to prepare Teacher Education Students to develop the skills required for effective study at undergraduate level. It will provide an overview to the skills of thinking, writing, presenting and researching effectively. It is designed to ensure that students will be able to succeed in their academic, pedagogy and professional experience subjects. It also covers the mandatory requirements for Teacher Education Students. 


  1. Identify and discuss learning skills required for academic success;
  2. Discuss skills for thinking critically and creatively;
  3. Express proficiency in academic writing and research;
  4. Illustrate academic writing, including a sustained and logically researched argument and appropriate academic referencing
  5. Illustrate effective oral communication skills for teaching

Subject Content

  • Introduction & Mandatory Requirements: Study habits; Education Student Handbook; Child Protection Awareness Training (CPAT); LANTITE preparation; Observational Visits (OV) (where necessary)
  • APA 7 Referencing System, Plagiarism & Referencing Software: Why referencing is important; quality of material/resources; web discernment; using Turnitin for checking assignments
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy & Learning Styles: Fleming’s VARK; Kolb’s; Felder-Soloman
  • Critical & Creative Thinking: Paraphrasing and summary; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. 
  • Study Skills:  Blended Learning and Online Learning , establishing good study haits and patterns
  • Professional Experience and Clinical Teaching Model (CTM) plus HUB model: Professional Experience and Clinical Teaching Model (CTM) Manual and HUB model; Observational Visits (OV), Professional experience coordinator and documentation.
  • Academic Research: developing a research mindset; gaining confidence in the research process; the descriptive vs the argumentative essay vs the analytical essay; gathering evidence and correct citation.
  • Academic Essay Writing Process :  How to write in formal academic writing formats i.e. essays and other written response types.
  • Educational Assignments: AC Grading System; book/resources reviews; teacher reflections; essays; lesson plans; units of work; integrated units of work; assessing units of work.
  • Editing Skills (Grammar and Punctuation): Sentence structure, punctuation, voice, editing skills and formatting.
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Differenct forms of academic research and methodologies.
  • Speaking Skills and Voice Control:

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to Face (onsite)
  • e-Learning (online)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Forum Reflective Journals (20%)
  • Individual Oral Presentation (20%)
  • Literature Analysis (20%)
  • Major Essay (40%)

Prescribed Text

  • Primary Readings provided