Assessment for Deeper Learning

Note: This subject replaced EDU516 from Semester 1 2024 onwards.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU517
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator:


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Assessment for Deeper Learning

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

Deeper Learning” has become a common phrase in education over the last decade. Essentially, the term highlights the goal of meaningful and transferable learning that goes far beyond “teaching for the test”. In Christian schools, this goal extends to learning that reflects Christian discipleship.

In this subject, students are encouraged to be intentional as they design meaningful and purposeful assessment that reflects contemporary research and a biblically-informed worldview. Students will articulate principles of biblically faithful assessment and suggest how those principles can be applied to assessment policy and practice.


  • LO1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the philosophies and practices of meaningful and effective assessment.
  • LO2. Critically investigate and evaluate contemporary trends of assessment and data-driven learning from a biblically-informed worldview.
  • LO3. Communicate principles of biblically-faithful assessment.
  • LO4. Design or modify assessment practices based on research and biblically-informed principles of assessment.
  • LO5. Critically reflect on deeper learning through the assessment of character and formation.    

Subject Content

  • Tutorial 1: Deeper Learning: What is “deeper learning”? And what does it look like in the Christian School?
  • Tutorial 2: Historical & Contemporary voices: What are the key historical movements in assessment as an educational practice? What are the contemporary discussions regarding assessment?
  • Tutorial 3: Assessment and God’s image bearers: What is our metaphor for assessment? How are we assessing with respect?
  • Tutorial 4: Clarity of learning intentions and success criteria: exploring concepts and approaches.
  • Tutorial 5: Intentionality and validity: What does it look like to assess with intent? Do our assessment tasks assess what they are meant to assess?
  • Tutorial 6: Reliability: Do our assessment tasks give similar results under different conditions? How do we minimise subjectivity in assessment?
  • Tutorial 7: Meaningful feedback for deeper learning: What is effective feedback? How are we supporting students to reflect on, and learn from, feedback? 
  • Tutorial 8: Student-led assessment; how can we faithfully craft student participation in assessment?

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to face (on site) 
  • E-learning (online)
  • Intensive

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Critical Reflective Pieces (20%)
  • Critical Evaluation of Assessment Policy (40%)
  • Redesign of Assessment Practice/Task (40%)

Prescribed Text

Frontier, T. (2021). Teaching with clarity: How to prioritise and do less so students understand more. ASCD.