Induct disciples into the central beliefs and practices of a church

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: NAT11088001
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Induct disciples into the central beliefs and practices of a church

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


1. Prepare to disciple church members   

  • A local church’s discipleship strategy is familiarized
  • Disciple candidates are identified
  • Candidates are invited into a discipleship relationship
  • A discipleship plan is developed in consultation with willing disciples which details the discipleship schedule and resources needed and abides by the church’s discipleship strategy
  • Required resources are gathered


2. Explain the basic theology and sacraments of Christian orthodoxy to disciples

  • Spiritual and emotional support are provided to disciples throughout the discipleship relationship to facilitate an open learning environment
  • The basic theology of Christian orthodoxy is communicated
  • Questions from the disciple(s) are encouraged and answered
  • Resources for further study are referred where necessary


3. Encourage disciples to participate in the sacraments   

  • The sacraments the local church recognises are identified and their theological significance summarised
  • The local church’s particular process of participating in these sacraments is explained
  • Disciples are invited to follow the process of participating in relevant sacraments
  • Spiritual, emotional and practical support are provided to disciple(s) who pursue participation

4. Assist disciples’ integration into the life and service of the church        

  • The local church’s structure, its ministries and opportunities for service are outlined
  • Disciple(s) are assisted to identify their interests and gifting
  • Disciple(s) are introduced to key people and ministries most aligned to their demographic, interests and gifting
  • Disciples are encouraged to join one or more of the church’s ministries where appropriate Feedback on the discipleship received is obtained from the disciple