Disciple a church member

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: NAT11088002
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Disciple a church member

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


1. Plan to disciple a church member

  • An inclusive, safe, and accountable discipleship relationship is established with a church member.
  • Spiritual disciplines and their benefits are explained to the disciple.
  • The most appropriate short-term and long-term spiritual and personal growth goals for the disciple are collaboratively determined.
  • A discipleship plan to meet these goals, specifies the responsibilities of both parties and is in accordance with church policies and traditions is collaboratively developed.


2.Support a disciple to grow       

  • Social gatherings are participated in with the disciple to develop the relationship
  • The disciple is regularly met with individually in an official discipleship capacity 
  • Further impromptu contact is made with the disciple when prompted through prayer.
  • Spiritual disciplines and Christian integrity are modelled to the disciple.
  • Active listening is employed to determine the disciple’s progress and assistance needed
  • Encouragement is provided through prayer, personal experience and scripture where appropriate
  • Healthy boundaries and confidentiality are maintained throughout the discipleship relationship in accordance with church policy

3.Review and conclude the discipleship relationship         

  • The tutor’s performance is evaluated by both parties against the particulars of the discipleship plan
  • The disciple’s growth is evaluated by both parties with respect to their stated goals.
  • Where necessary to achieve the disciple’s growth goals, suitable tutor candidates are discussed and approached to continue the discipleship process.
  • The discipleship relationship is concluded.