Invite people to become Christian disciples

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: NAT11088004
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Invite people to become Christian disciples

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


1.Prepare to deliver the Gospel within the community   

  • A target audience within the community is prayerfully sought and identified
  • The needs of the target audience are determined
  • Contextualisation and cultural sensitivity requirements are considered
  • Delivery of the Gospel to address these needs and requirements is planned


2.Participate in delivering the Gospel to the target audience       

  • The Holy Spirit’s guidance is sought through prayer
  • The plan to deliver the Gospel is executed
  • Adjustments to accommodate unforeseen circumstances and guidance received through prayer are made
  • Delivery of the Gospel is evaluated


3.Invite someone to become a disciple of Christ

  • A conversation with an unbeliever is prayerfully initiated
  • Active listening and prayer are applied to discern and present relevant aspects of the Gospel
  • Personal experience of being a disciple of Christ is communicated in support
  • An invitation is made to become a disciple of Christ
  • Where the invitation is accepted, the individual is prayed for and connected with a church
  • The invitation attempt is evaluated