Interpret the Bible for personal and communal edification

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: NAT11088006
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Interpret the Bible for personal and communal edification

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


1. Use hermeneutic practices to interpret the Bible          

  • A hermeneutic based on the context of the Bible is selected and outlined. 
  • Relevant resources to aid hermeneutics are collected and reviewed. 
  • The hermeneutic is followed to interpret passages of the Bible. 


2. Respond appropriately to interpretations of the Bible

  • Responses to interpretations of the Bible are developed to edify oneself and specific audiences within a community of faith. 
  • The practice of personal responses to the interpretation are implemented and documented. 
  • Interpretations and their respective responses are developed for other audiences and shared with a community faith leader. 


3. Document evaluative feedback from a faith leader      

  • The hermeneutic practices, validity of the interpretation, and response is critiqued with the support of a faith leader.
  • Critical feedback on the quality of the interpretation and its response are discussed. 
  • Areas for improvement are summarized and documented.