Christian Worldview

This subject introduces students to the central doctrines of Christian faith, and considers the way in which these inform the development of personal worldview and frame the life and mission of the church.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: THE401(MTP&MTS)
  • Credit points: 10

Awards offering Christian Worldview

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This subject introduces students to the central doctrines of Christian faith, and considers the way in which these inform the development of personal worldview and frame the life and mission of the church.


  1. Describe the sources used to inform a Christian worldview and apply consistent method in arriving at theological conclusions;
  2. Examine alternate perspectives, and identify complementary and contradictory conclusions and arguments;
  3. Identify central elements of a Christian worldview and show how these impact individual spirituality and inform the life and mission of the church;
  4. Give a critical account of the historical formation of Christian doctrines of God, creation and redemption and analyse contemporary formulations.

Subject Content

  1. Introduction: Worldview, theological sources and method;
  2. Creation and the problem of pain;
  3. Humanity and the image of God;
  4. Sin and human alienation;
  5. The person of Jesus Christ;
  6. The work of Jesus Christ;
  7. The triune God;
  8. Conversion and sanctification;
  9. The nature and mission of the church;
  10. Redemptive human relationships;
  11. Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts;
  12. Christian hope - eschatology.

This course may be offered in the following formats

This subject can be offered in a variety of modes: weekly lectures; mixed/blended; online; 5-day intensive (7 contact hours each); extensive (5 days spread over the semester. This allows for students to complete readings, reflection and assessment and prepare for in-class activities between classes. The hours are the same as for an intensive: 7 hours per day for 5 days = 35 class hours + approx 85 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks).

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Major Essay (50%)
  • Exam (30%)
  • Forum Postings (20%)