Working with Children and Young People

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: SSC539
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Rebecca Loundar


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Working with Children and Young People

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


  1. Develop an understanding of theories and theoretical approaches to working with children and adolescents;
  2. Develop a professional and holistic approach to working with children and adolescents, with consideration given to social, cultural, familial and ethical factors;
  3. Critically analyse the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches and interventions currently used in working with children and adolescents;
  4. Develop an understanding of specific issues relevant to working with children and adolescents, and appropriate evidence-based responses.

Subject Content

  • Introduction to theories of child and adolescent development including attachment theory
  • The lifespan development of children and young people
  • Transition and promoting change
  • Methods of counselling & support for children, young people and families, including common presentations
  • Specific issues for children and young people, such as mental health, grief and loss and trauma
  • Professional and legal considerations
  • Assessment, case conceptualisation, treatment planning and referrals
  • Responding to specific issues, e.g. Trauma, bullying, behavioural problems, anxiety, risk assessments, study stress
  • Methods and application of interventions for working with children and young people, e.g., psychoeducational programs
  • Working in different settings, such as schools and education, or community contexts
  • Wellbeing & self care
  • Role Plays & Examples of Activities for Group & Individual Work
  • Resources: Use of Technology & Apps
  • Professional considerations and relationships with other health and educational professionals
  • Legal considerations       

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Onsite (face-to-face)
  • Online (e-Learning)
  • Intensives

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Research Paper and Case Study Report (50%)
  • Interview Reflection (25%)
  • Oral Presentation (25%)

Prescribed Text

  • Kirkbride, R. (2018) Counselling Children and Young People in Private Practice: A Practical Guide (1st ed.; e-book). London, Routledge.

Students will also choose one of the following:

  • Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R.Y. (2018). Counselling children: A practical introduction (5th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
  • Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R.Y. (2016). Counselling adolescents: The proactive approach for young people (4th ed.). London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Please consult your instructor prior to purchasing any texts