Healing Ministry

Why don’t people always get healed when we pray for them? What is our responsibility in partnering with God for healing? What does it even mean to be well? What does it mean to be sick? Students undertaking this unit will have the opportunity to investigate the various perspectives on healing throughout the life of the church. Some of the big questions surrounding the ‘why’ of sickness, suffering, and death will also be grappled with. Further, practical skills will be discussed to care for people at these inevitable times of sickness, grief and death.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: MIN204
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Daryl Potts


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Healing Ministry

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This unit addresses the phenomena and significance of healing in the life and ministry of the Christian church.


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the biblical, historical and theological foundations for the ministry of healing;
  2. Develop an understanding of various denominational views regarding health, illness and healing;
  3. Demonstrate a broad knowledge of key people who have been associated with various areas of healing ministry;
  4. Display an ability to critically analyse the integrated relationship between Christian ministries of healing, Christian chaplaincy and other care services provided to the sick and dying;
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of alternate theodicies and their implications for an understanding of sickness and healing practices.

Subject Content

  1. Personal Experiences of Healing
  2. Developing a Biblical Basis for Healing Ministry
  3. Issues of Healing in Spirit World Aware (animistic) Societies
  4. The Case Against Christian Healing
  5. Involvement in a Healing Service
  6. Theological Considerations
  7. Healing of the Whole Person
  8. Ministry to the Sick and Dying

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to Face (onsite)
  • Distance/E-learning (online)
  • Intensive (One week: 7 hours per day for 5 days = 35 class hours + approx 108 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Online Forum Posts (10%)
  • Critical Reflection Paper (30%)
  • Critical Application Paper (20%)
  • Major Essay (40%)

Prescribed Text

  • Primary readings provided