Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations

Non Profit Organisations (NPO’s) are not designed to create economic value (to make profit) but to create social and/or spiritual value. In this context, the marketing of the organisation becomes more complex because the organisation needs to satisfy the needs of its key clients; but also needs to attract donors, volunteers, advocates, government support etc.  This unit introduces students to this so-called multi-stakeholder marketing, focussing on issues such as how to create a movement, how to turn supporters into advocates, how to engage major sponsors and social investors, as well as how to identify and attract grants.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: MKT216
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Jacqueline Mees-Buss


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


  1. Analyse the unique role of NFP groups in the market place, particularly the diverse roles and services they perform;
  2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the nature of value and knowledge creation in a consumerist society. This includes consideration of the ethical and theological values as well as the goals of some NFP organization and how this is reconciled with contemporary marketing strategies;
  3. Demonstrate an ability to analyse the markets of NFP and community-based organisations to identify marketing opportunities;
  4. Analyse how specific NFP organisations have successfully marketed their services or work, particularly within the global context;
  5. Describe the unique marketing needs and challenges of NFP and community-based organisations in developing a marketing strategy;
  6. Develop a strategic marketing plan for a NFP organisation.

Subject Content

  1. Marketing and promotional ethics
  2. Marketing an organisation with Christian values in a post-modern society
  3. Developing a marketing strategy for a church or NPO
  4. Product design as key marketing tool to engage the target customer
  5. Social Marketing
  6. Formulating communication and promotional strategies
  7. Marketing communication tools: Advertising, PR, Promotions and new media

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face (onsite)
  • Distance/E-Learning (online)
  • Intensive (One week: 7 hours per day for 5 days = 35 class hours + approx 95 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks.)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Forum Postings (20%)
  • Group Presentation (40%)
  • Strategic Marketing Plan (40%)